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So Does anyone want go fishing in the Gulf?


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So I just need everyone to post up what they think about the shit that is going on in the gull of mexico right now. Plus what happen off the coast in New Zealand witht he coral reff. If you don't know then i dont care hear you view. Please!

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I may be heading to the Gulf in a week or two. Going to be helping the coast guard cleaning up this mess. Going to work 14 on 7 off making $25 an hour plus overtime and they also pay $50 a day for food.Plus they pay for motel room.

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I may be heading to the Gulf in a week or two. Going to be helping the coast guard cleaning up this mess. Going to work 14 on 7 off making $25 an hour plus overtime and they also pay $50 a day for food.Plus they pay for motel room.


Really? Proof plz

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They've had over 20 separate issues with that rig over the past decade and yet it still was running. Even after Katrina and others hit the rigs in the Gulf, some of them were slightly damaged and unstable, yet they still ran. Greedy capitalistic pigs wanted to keep pumping oil no matter what, and not spend a dime in upkeep and repair of their equipment. I'm not one bit surprised that this happened and I now laugh at them as they loose millions of gallons of oil as they dump into the coast.

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