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I am making this thread to let you guys know that every single on of you in HG is amazing.


(https://hellsgamers.com/forums/hellos-goodbyes/20836-afk-awhile.html & https://hellsgamers.com/forums/general/20875-waverly-shell-rock-senior-killed-accident.html) As some of you may know, my cousin recently died in a car accident. I have been having trouble dealing with this loss.


Coming on the forums and gaming with you guys has really helped for some reason. It takes my mind away from the truth and real life. It makes his death easier to cope with when I am in vent, on the forums or in game.


Every single person I interact with in the clan...every single post I read...and every random conversation in vent makes me feel better. It may not portray to me, but just hearing people talk about their gaming or someone freekilling jailbreak, makes me smile.


When in game, having people say hello to me, people talking to me (in a non-disrespectful way), and people needing help with something...either how to bhop, someone being a dick in minigames, or someone who could be hacking and they need someone to watch them...it makes me feel good to know that I am needed.


I know I am rambling on, but long story short...you guys are like a family to me and it means a lot.


Thank you.


Edited by JessicaJoy
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<3 YOU. Yh I don't normally say that and I ain't really talked to you before but oh well, I <3 everyone in HG


damn creeper o.O


even though we've really only had a one way conversation (me talking to you) XD your cool and im sorry for your loss

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i feel the pain jess i just lost my best friend due to a heart attack......i know its hard, heck its still hard on me but i don't want to express my feelings on vent cause people will rage at me.



We are family :3

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