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My friend and I were talking today. He quit doing shit 5 days ago because he started doing boxing. He quit smoking pot, and all the other drugs he started, but he started taking hits again from his bong when friends came over. Over the past 5 days, he took 3 or 4 hits from it, and kept letting himself down. So about 30 minutes ago, he said fuck it, you're right when I told him to stop and he grabbed his bong, in front of all his druggie friends, I followed him asking wtf he's doing and he smashed it all over the street, I think I've got my friend back



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i think he needs to have an intervention with his friends and family and check himself into one of those rehab centers. calling the cops on him won't help him rehabilitate.


however, if he doesn't do it and continues self-destructive behavior, there might not be any choice. i'm lucky i never was in your situation with a friend. but i dont really know what to do?


EDIT: nevermind i'm late to the thread

Edited by bort
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i think he needs to have an intervention with his friends and family and check himself into one of those rehab centers. calling the cops on him won't help him rehabilitate.


however, if he doesn't do it and continues self-destructive behavior, there might not be any choice. i'm lucky i never was in your situation with a friend. but i dont really know what to do?


EDIT: nevermind i'm late to the thread




You gave the best advice though. Well done.

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