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Angry Hell Haters?


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Hello, Im new here and I was just playing ScoutzKnivez in a server and I said I was new to Hells-gamers Clan in chat because they asked me what HG standed for and I said Hells-gamers. What they said shocked me, they said "HG Clan is just a bunch of noobs no matter how many servers they have they still suck!" I argued with them about that but more than 1 person said it, About 5 said it. I was just wondering was there some kind of rivalry against HG and clans or are they just haters and just jealous? :diaf: In my opinion I think the clan is very organized and awesome.

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I don't know the answer to ur question about rivalry clans or anything, since I'm fairly new to the clan also, but they sound like a bunch of lil hating fuck boy fag sticks to me. Haters are Always Gonna Hate!


Agreed. What I was thinking that they either got banned from a Hell-gamers server or they just jealous.

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