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Holy Half-Life


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ok, so i was going through some old pc stuff, tryin to salvage some parts for my next build, so i came across my copy of Half-Life one(covered in that dust that won't come off), it was my first real FPS(not including DOOM) very special to me, and it brought to mind that i never actually finished it, i got the opposing force xpac and played it instead, so i figured hey i'll activate it on steam and play it before i buy HF2 so im up to date on the story, once activated i looked at my game library and there was half of the Valve pack,now some of you may have known that would happen, but i didn't and im happy about it so don't rain on my parade :notrust: im just excited i got $40 worth of games from a CD key from release in 1998, 12 years later woot!

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I happened to have the GOTY edition and opfor/blue shift from another pack of which I forget. They're all pretty solid.


My first FPS and game for the PC was Rainbow Six, which the second game being Starcraft. The third was HL and TFC.



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