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Have you accepted Steve Jobs as your lord and savior? Have you got an iPhone yet?


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For past 3 years, I have been an iPhone user and I have enjoyed it the whole time. Right when I get it< I wasn't crazy about the text msging but now I love it. I think the iPhone is a wonderful phone. Was the iPhone overated way after it came out? Yes. Is it still overated? Maybe.


If you have been an iPhone user since they came out, u dislike other phone's. If you have been a Blackberry user since they came out, you hate iPhone's. It's all about what ur accustomed to and u enjoy, and for me, its iPhone.


Now I must say that there are some new phones coming out that look really fucking cool. And I would love to play with them, but it would be just like learning the iPhone all over again, and I'm not against that. I would love to get another phone that I think is better!

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The thing is, I've spent a good bit of time with the girlfriend's iTouch (no pun here), and I've owned two Blackberries. I'm also an early Android adopter, and as I've said a half-dozen times before, I made very sure to drop into a T-mo store when I was in Tacoma to pick up a G1 shortly after launch because they weren't offered in KS.


I don't like how much of anything works in the iOS. The applications are generally not robust enough for my tastes and task switching is lame or non-existent. The keyboard input also has MUCH to be desired. Maybe some of that will change with v4, but I doubt it's going to be enough to make me think twice about it. Also, fuck modal popups.


My old poptart BB was awesome for its time. A smartphone without the current smartphone cost. Suretype was a godsend in comparison to T9. My Pearl was also pretty awesome, even though I had to clean the gunk out of the trackball every few weeks. If I ever take that thing apart again, it's probably not going to be able to be put back together. Aside from all of this, the BB OS is dated and I haven't seen any actual attempts to improve on it other than speculation. Since I'm currently limited to Winmo and BB devices at the corporate level, I'll stick with BB for work.


I've pretty much fallen in love with Android since I first heard that Google had acquired the company that was originally developing it. Even in its infancy, it was ripe with features and allowed a great deal of flexibility. And I finally had a web browser that wasn't complete dick like on the Blackberry. Plus, it's open source, and what's not to love about that.


In closing, you should be using whatever works for you, but it does help to be able to represent WHY you like what you do and maybe a little background about your alternatives.


(See signature :P)

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I want nexus one for verizon :(


Verizon didn't get the Nexus One. Google endorsed the HTC Incredible seeing as it's already a Nexus One with a different track ball(pad instead), better camera, and a superior UI.

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Steve Jobs will never be my god.

See the following link.


Police Seize Jason Chen's Computers

nothing done was illegal, apple said they didnt even want it back because it wasnt the real one

next thing they know, theyre bashing in doors and stealing peoples shit...


And I would never buy an iPhone, fuck that... unless it came to verizon, then maaaayyybbe..... jailbroken for sure........

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Verizon didn't get the Nexus One. Google endorsed the HTC Incredible seeing as it's already a Nexus One with a different track ball(pad instead), better camera, and a superior UI.


I don't like Blur or Sense. They both pretty much piss me off for a number of reasons. The camera isn't really even superior. It has some odd color levels for being as hi-res as it is.


Steve Jobs will never be my god.

See the following link.


Police Seize Jason Chen's Computers

nothing done was illegal, apple said they didnt even want it back because it wasnt the real one

next thing they know, theyre bashing in doors and stealing peoples shit...


And I would never buy an iPhone, fuck that... unless it came to verizon, then maaaayyybbe..... jailbroken for sure........


It's still up for debate whether or not Chen should be covered under media protection laws. Most of it has to do with whether or not good faith attempts were made to return the device to Apple, and they're going to need documentation. California certainly doesn't condone possession of lost property without intention to return. I guess we'll see what happens.


I mean, I don't have any appreciation for Apple's actions in the case (private security force making a house call? Really?) but that's separate from the legal implications.

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I realize this thread is about those who have an iPhone.... which I do not. Hear me out, maybe I can offer some insight.


I am in outside sales, which is currently salary+commission, but will move into straight commission starting at the beginning of July 2010. I have been in this position since July 2009. I have competition from several direct manufacturing sales reps, large distributors, and local distributors. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each:


Direct Advantages: Immediate knowledge of new technology, no middle man mark up, one shipping bill (paid by manufacturer or buyer of goods), access to larger range of non-commodity items, control inventory, have access to many distributors that can effectively sell their goods which increases market share, and set prices of commodity they manufacture.


Direct disadvantages: Typically have 1-3 sales reps per region (i.e. southeast, mid-atlantic, northeast, etc.) limiting the number of accounts they can successfully manage/cold-call, lack physical customer service or physical technical service available to or affordable for smaller users or altogether, are sometimes not trustworthy because they will go in behind their distributors that sell their commodity to one account in large quantities (i.e. they missed a big account, and have found out about it through a distributor selling their particular product) which leads to the distributor not selling their product anymore, have too many distributors selling the product ultimately driving the set price down through deviations, possibly rely on distributors to actually sell the product, and competition from other direct sources.


Large distributor advantages: have access to other commodities that go hand in hand with other manufacturers (poor example- grocery stores sell milk as well as cereal), get direct pricing, many locations regionally or nationally easing the shipping burden of buyers with multiple locations, personal service either customer or technical, many sales reps that are able to cover a broader territory, access to multiple manufacturers of the same commodity allowing to keep prices in check, service programs that smaller companies can't offer and direct providers can't match in price or value, and experts of many many commodities as opposed to one or a few.


Large distributor disadvantages: smaller local distributors creating price wars (think Michael Scott Paper Co vs Dunder-Mifflin), direct mfg's going in behind and stealing business, limited access to all of the mfg's (you won't find Harris Teeter name brands in Food Lion and visa versa), can't truly set prices because it's based on both supply and demand, territory management, and tough growth prospects in slower economies (this is true for direct as well really)


Local distributor advantages: Typically a good ol' boy setting where the seller and the buyer know each other for years (this does happen at all levels, but mostly at the local level), local folks are right down the street and can be used in emergencies, if the local guy buys at high enough volumes then there is no shipping charge to the end user, and access to both direct mfg's and large distributors.


Local distributor disadvantages: easily beaten in price, array of commodities, array of technology, lack of trained staff, low cash flow, etc etc etc.


This is what I have noticed in my six months, I am sure there are plenty more that need mentioning. The way I am setting myself apart as a sales person is this: I go after the big accounts right now while I am new. The big accounts, if I land them, will take care of me while I am new and building a customer base. The money made off of those allows me to focus free time on smaller accounts that get me higher margins. I build up big accounts, I would like to have 5-10 of these, then get 20-30 medium accounts. If I lose 1 or 2 big accounts, the 20-30 medium accounts keep me afloat while I go after new big accounts. I don't really waste time on small accounts simply because they basically pay for breakfast or something really small.


I will say this, if you can't get a big account in the first 6-8 months (assuming you have cash flow that you can ride this long) you could be in a world of trouble. If you can get one, it will really make going after the others a lot more enjoyable and less stressful. It's simply just very exhausting wasting any time on anything other than big accounts in the very beginning. You work just as hard on the medium sized accounts and see 1/3 to 1/36 of the money in my situation.


If you have any other questions, you can PM me. I hope this helps in the slightest!

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I don't like Blur or Sense. They both pretty much piss me off for a number of reasons. The camera isn't really even superior. It has some odd color levels for being as hi-res as it is.




It's still up for debate whether or not Chen should be covered under media protection laws. Most of it has to do with whether or not good faith attempts were made to return the device to Apple, and they're going to need documentation. California certainly doesn't condone possession of lost property without intention to return. I guess we'll see what happens.


I mean, I don't have any appreciation for Apple's actions in the case (private security force making a house call? Really?) but that's separate from the legal implications.


From what I've read and understood this is what happened:


1. Random guy finds iPhone.

2. Random guy tries to track down owner. After a while he attempts to contact Apple themselves, telling them he thinks he has property which belongs to them.

3. Apple blows him off and ignores him, going as far as to tell him they have no vested interest in it.

4. Random guy contacts various sites about the phone, and Gizmodo expresses interest in it.

5. A transaction is made, not for the purchase of the phone, but for exclusivity rights to it. They promise to attempt to help return the phone to whoever it belongs to.

6. After receiving the phone, Gizmodo's Jason Chen does an extensive review on it, while still stating he is more than willing to return the phone.

7. Seeing it get actual coverage, Apple FREAKS out. They ask for the phone back, and Chen promptly delivers, with no fight about it.

8. Apple gets REACT to bust down Chen's door and confiscate all his computers with an illegal search warrant, after receiving an email HOURS previous to the search that an attempt to confiscate or search Chen's residency is illegal. Disregarding that, they proceeded with the search and seizure.


What should happen:


9. Chen and Gizmodo sue the everlasting FUCK out of the Judge/PD that issued/executed the warrant, including criminal charges.

10. Every decent news outlet (online, on screen and in print) boycotts covering Apple products until a detailed apology is submitted, with Steve Jobs referring to himself as "Double Smelly Ass Stupid Fuck".


There was absolutely NO basis for the search and seizure if I understand everything correctly. The payment rendered was specifically worded to not be for the transfer of property, therefore there is no selling of stolen property. And state and federal laws give Journalists protection up to their eyeballs for their information, which was seized acting on the warrant.


TLDR: REACT/Jobs are fuckholes, and will hopefully be sued into oblivion.




EDIT: To underail the thread:


I think the iPhone itself has done a lot for the industry. Before iPhone pushed the envelope, Blackberrys were the only real smartphones, and they were very shoddy in terms of hardware and network. but, because they were the only real contender, they didn't worry about it. I can honestly say that without the iPhone, we probably wouldn't have Android phones right now.


That being said, I am NOT a fan of Apple's app market policies and some of the DRM they still use. Their app market is very picky and choosy on who gets published, and they can suspend/remove apps on a whim if they so choose.


I think Android will end up pushing THEM into a more transparent, open source app market eventually. Phone hardware right now is at the point where almost any manufacturer can make a phone that performs as well as any other. What decides the market right now is software, and while Apple still has a stranglehold, they are quickly losing to Android.

Edited by I Love Lamp
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I've read similar things, but without publishing affidavits and such, we won't know until everything comes out in court. If it so happens that Chen is legally in the clear, I would fully expect the circuit judge and all involved parties to have the shit sued out of them. I'm kind of looking forward to coverage of the trial.


I have very little respect for Apple. Well, post first-gen iPod that is. Their business practices have no place in the modern market and makes them come off as skeezy, for all the reasons you posted and then some.


As far as the iPhone being revolutionary goes... yeah, to some extent. All technology is pretty much borrowed technology and recycled ideas. Apple isn't the first company to release a phone with a touch screen or an app library. They amalgamated a bunch of existing ideas into something desirable. I'll give them that much, sure.


As far as Apple being pushed to be a more open market, they're already moving backwards. With the new SDK and developer regulations that force the developers into specific languages without an abstraction layer, it's only getting worse. This makes me livid as someone that can work their way around code. The fact that Jobs pretty much said, "you'll do it this way because I said so" was just the cherry on top of the rancid ice cream.


iOS 4.0 better give you a blowjob every time you drop out of AT&T's coverage or they're going to start slipping in market share even worse than they are.


Also, if anyone still watches, Android has been ALL OVER 24 as of the last few episodes. It's actually pretty cool.

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I couldn't decide if this thread's main post was advertisement, spam, or just fail. Honestly, the iPhone isn't really hot shit, it's just a phone like any other.....on AT&T's service, no less. I cannot understand people's obsession with mobile phone's that do half the shit that a computer does, but at far greater price (I guess for mobility) and with less features (both hardware and software).



As long as it dials out and can receive calls to, a phone is a phone. I honestly prefer those old gray brick phones from the 1980's: Simple, easy to use, and they work.

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I couldn't decide if this thread's main post was advertisement, spam, or just fail. Honestly, the iPhone isn't really hot shit, it's just a phone like any other.....on AT&T's service, no less. I cannot understand people's obsession with mobile phone's that do half the shit that a computer does, but at far greater price (I guess for mobility) and with less features (both hardware and software).



As long as it dials out and can receive calls to, a phone is a phone. I honestly prefer those old gray brick phones from the 1980's: Simple, easy to use, and they work.


If you thought that the brick phones from the 80s/90s worked well or reliably, you are grossly mistaken.


Even at the most basic level, voice, phones are constantly improving. If I put my SIM card in my old brick Nokia from 2002 and compare voice quality, there is (almost literally) a decade's worth of difference.


Mobile technology involving is important because that is the direction that technology is shifting. Eventually, we'll be at the point where QR codes are all over the place and you can find out more information about a restaurant at the swipe of a code.


My calendar follows me and so does my email, which is important to my career. Twitter and Facebook are both mobile, which helps you keep in touch with your friends. Even my Dad, in his late 40s, is starting to understand why mobile technology is important.

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haha. Me and my dad went out and looked at IPhones and Droids.


Put it this way, my dad is a programmer in his late 40's. He went directly to Droid and bought them. 2 (1 for me and him)

I love the dam droid. Since i got it i had to return my first one because it glitched a lot. Then got my second one. Was kinda pissed with some audio issues. About a month later a patch was released (which downloads and installs automatically on the phone) to fix almost all current bugs. Now im exxtremly happy. I LOVE my droid. Its not perfect, but it hasnt been out NEARLY as long as the IPhone. I think in the near future Droid>iphone if not = to iphone.

As well as multi tasking on the droid is awesome!

Google calender is also amazing. Me and my dad synch calendars and we can fit each others schedule just by looking. lol.


The new update for the droid is supposed to make the phone 5 TIMES FASTER! this would be purely amazing!


Tl, Dr: Iphone will become = or < Droid. in the near future.


Plus Droid has open source, means lots of free apps and people can help to make patches/fixes/apps.



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I love posts I can quote directly and respond to without cutting them up.


As well as multi tasking on the droid is awesome!

Google calender is also amazing. Me and my dad synch calendars and we can fit each others schedule just by looking. lol.


The new update for the droid is supposed to make the phone 5 TIMES FASTER! this would be purely amazing!


Tl, Dr: Iphone will become = or < Droid. in the near future.


Plus Droid has open source, means lots of free apps and people can help to make patches/fixes/apps.


Granted, it's not true multi tasking, but having some things act as a service (syncs, downloads, version checks, so on) has plenty of benefits. It's at least better than the iOS' practice of dropping to the home screen and launching another app. This is supposed to be fixed to some extent in 4.0 with the recent apps list, but it looks like you're still dropping to home to do it.


1st party calendar integration certainly helps. I have my personal calendar, my girlfriend's shared calendar and my work calendar sync'd up into the cloud. No modal popups for appointments, either :/


Froyo not only will fix the fragmentation issues everyone has been complaining about (was almost inevitable considering the speed of development Android was moving at and mobile hardware improvements. Specifically, snapdragon caliber chipsets) but will offer general speed improvements, noticeably improved browser speeds AND Flash support. The last one pretty much thumbs its nose at Apple.


Android has been improving at an exponential rate, where iOS seems to have been fairly stagnant. Even more so, open source proliferates growth and improvement. Android has a massive user-driven developer community. Steve Kondic (Cyanogen) has more or less set the precedence for what developers are capable of on a mobile platform. The Nexus One stock ROM was solid, but Cyanogen Mod makes it a new level of awesome.


Have I sold anyone on at least LOOKING at one of these when shopping for a phone? :P

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