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Jailbreak Admins


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I don't know if I got banned or just kicked I did make a bad comment saying that the admins at 11:49p.m. on Jailbreak I said, Can the admins get there heads out of there asses for there was a Ct freekilling and there was nothing done I know for a fact that General adminz was there and soap both did nothing to kick or ban the FK Ct name cutter. I understand what I said was wrong but after we told them what he was doing they did nothing yet I was kick or ban in a instant. O and cutter was still able to kill the rest of us T's trying to hide from him. :homer:

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So whats the point of this thread

To say you either got kicked or banned (how do you not know which)

And admins dont HAVE TO do anything about rulebreakers

they can sit in a corner for all they want

Also if theres freekilling and you know its happening why not record a demo??

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I found out later I was not banned, the point I wanted was for the admins in Jailbreak was to do some work on the Fk when we told them what was going on. I would of made demo but was kicked and kinda new to the demo recording. If admins don't have to do anything about the rule breakers then I have no power in taking this any farther. Sry for your time. :blink:

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I found out later I was not banned, the point I wanted was for the admins in Jailbreak was to do some work on the Fk when we told them what was going on. I would of made demo but was kicked and kinda new to the demo recording. If admins don't have to do anything about the rule breakers then I have no power in taking this any farther. Sry for your time. :blink:


Admins can't catch everything that is going on. In a server of 52 people there is a lot going on. I personally do not take action on most things I didnt see myself. I wouldn't be able to explain myself as well as if I did see the wrong doing. And to be honest 9 out of 10 people who cry freekill were not freekilled so it is hard for me to trust someone raging over a single freekill. Also, dont bad mouth anyone in our server. Administrator or not. That is a dumber thing to do than a single freekill.

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I found out later I was not banned, the point I wanted was for the admins in Jailbreak was to do some work on the Fk when we told them what was going on. I would of made demo but was kicked and kinda new to the demo recording. If admins don't have to do anything about the rule breakers then I have no power in taking this any farther. Sry for your time. :blink:


As pwned said, Admins don't even have to do anything, they can sit there and watch some1 freekill, It's not a job, they payed to get given admin, Not the other way around.

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also on a side note, an admin should not need to ban a player because of a snide remark.


the exception to this is if the player has been causing general, warned-about trouble that has been ongoing and is disrupting tthe server to a significant point that such action is deemed needed.

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This thread is fucking stupid, just like every other fucking stupid thread where someone complains about an admin not doing what they think they should.


There are a dozen other threads that go through the exact same motions as this one. In fact, here's one directly from the Jailbreak forums. Notice how I seem to be markedly irritated here as well?


I didn't get past your first paragraph, but could it be that people are intolerant of your actions because you come off as a condescending prick?


Two points will sum up just about anything that anyone can post in response to this.




the people actually PLAYING should get to choose who gets slayed, kicked, switched, or banned. majority rules, not whether the admin see's it or not.

WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG. Admins are not obligated to do a single damned thing on the server. If we didn't see it, we can't enforce it. If we decide to use discretion in a situation, that's our call, not yours. Do not go off on admins on the server just because you think they're doing "a bad job"; you will be removed.


2. If an admin is legitimately abusing, and this does happen, gather some proof in the form of a demo or detailed screenshots, post an abuse report and it will be handled. We appreciate people contributing to the ban and abuse forums when they have proper cause to do so, however, we ask that it be done respectfully. I may be wrong here, but I'm still going to say it; we're all adults here and need to act accordingly.


I may have come off a little harsh, but how would you like it if someone came into your house and called you and your family inept?


You're not going to make any friends by complaining about things that have been happening a lot longer than you've even been here.

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