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Well, this was a disappointment.


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French oral. Teehee.


I was going to say, it sounds like you need to focus on English more than French or you're going to be working at a stop-and-rob for most of your adult life.


Also, eye contact is kind of important for normal conversation. Protip: If you have a problem making eye contact, start looking at ears or right above peoples' heads. They can't tell the difference.

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Actually in some cultures eye contact is feared, because they believe the "eye's are the gateway to the soul". Which is why people can "tell" if your lying by telling you to make eye contact with them.


He's from New York. Granted, many consider their culture to be different and even terrifying, but they don't fear eye contact.


In the states, the only time I've heard "windows to the soul" used in seriousness was when a girl was trying to completely mindfuck some poor guy in a swimming pool during summer vacation.


Forcing eye contact in a confrontation only serves to fulfill a cliche. You're either going to continue to lie while making eye contact without wavering because you're good at it or you're going to fail a deception test miserably whether you make eye contact or not.


This is all kind of far removed from academia, but amuses me anyway.

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