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Help me find a cure for my bleeding nipples


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Did you get that from Kyle Barber?

It took me a while to remember. I can't believe you did. Then I lol'd and said the name how it should be said: kyyyle baaarber


Good times.


Note that the shields have air holes so you don't get too hot in there.

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Exactly what kind of "moobs" must you have to cause enough flopping around to make your nips bleed? Mrs. Clark suggests you sit down and rest, before you hurt yourself. Here, I will make you some cookies and a nice glass of milk. Good Lord, I have heard it all now.

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Exactly what kind of "moobs" must you have to cause enough flopping around to make your nips bleed? Mrs. Clark suggests you sit down and rest, before you hurt yourself. Here, I will make you some cookies and a nice glass of milk. Good Lord, I have heard it all now.


Posting in epic thread.


You could always try wearing a Bro. Sometimes a guy just needs extra support.



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Exactly what kind of "moobs" must you have to cause enough flopping around to make your nips bleed? Mrs. Clark suggests you sit down and rest, before you hurt yourself. Here, I will make you some cookies and a nice glass of milk. Good Lord, I have heard it all now.


Did Clark get a hold of your login? Pic:




Are those too floppy for you Mrs. Nurse Clark.

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I only skimmed through the other people's posts but I run a lot because I play soccer and I just love to run. And I have never experienced bleeding nipples. I've never even heard of it before. But I hope you find a solution to your problem.

And damn, that must hurt a lot. Bleeding from the nipples.. ehh..

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Nipple removal surgery- Anything is possible and apparently(1 min of research) its a pretty easy procedure similar to mole removal.


By B. Pat Pazmino, MD - Miami Plastic Surgeon

This doctor is a board certified surgeon who is an active member of the American Society for Aesthetic


It is straightforward to remove extra nipples from the skin. This is usually performed under local or regional anesthesia and may easily be done as an outpatient or office procedure. The manner in which the surgical wound is closed depends on the size of the nipple and how much skin had to be removed. In most occasions, the skin is able to be advanced into the wind and closed with a nice thin line.


Unless, you are partial to keeping them, and not looking like a ken doll.

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