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internet provider?


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Why not get verizon?

Not the fastest?

Then if you know its not the fastest you would know which provider is the fastest wouldnt you?


wow i thought they got the highest speed in my area. eventually they not so i just get whatever they have that cover my area for now.. :)

no! i dont know which provider is the fastest.

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Lol, I heard comcast was good in the past. Any cable Internet. Try AT&T Uverse, I get 32mbs. But it may not be over that ways. Don't know much about it but maybe that new Clear or something.


I'd say comcast if not AT&T Uverse


edit: wow I just saw the previous post, that sux dude. Charter! /edit


***Sry for being a troll***


Sent from my iPhone using TapaTalk

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Comcast likes to fuck over their customers.


Issue 1: Throttling - Appeals Court: FCC Can’t Make Comcast Stop Throttling BitTorrent

Comcast Sued For Traffic Meddling - The Consumerist


Issue 2: Net Nutrality - Court rules against FCC's Comcast Net neutrality decision | The Industry Standard - InfoWorld


Just saying you should know this before you buy.

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