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WoW Pass.


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I play WoW (shut up John) and want to go into the World of Warcraft channel but fail to know the password. When I ask one of the people in the channel (via private chat) they refuse to tell the password and so I stay in the channel I'm in. I ask a Staff member to drag me in, but once again get denied. So, is there a gay ass rule that you have to be of some status just to get into a fucking channel?

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1. Private Chat windows are pop-unders. I saw that you asked me, but I didn't see it until I had already gotten off. You closed the session, so I assumed you didn't want to come in anymore.

2. Private Channels are private for a reason. Funny how that works, eh? That channel in particular was being used for something specific at that time.

3. Yes, some channels you do need "status" to get into. Other times, we password channels to keep people out for private discussion. Other times, we are busy doing something and do not wish to be disturbed. If a channel is passworded its usually for a reason. And no, that reason (usually, disregarding DJ's typical malicious intent) is not for people to come crying about it.



I'm terribly sorry your feelings were hurt. Please contact DJ2 for a tissue.

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I only came on with an attitude because of the poor communication between the other council members in vent kind of got fuse burning. I apologize but don't see the importance of having the wow channel password protected. There may have been a meeting or some other discussion of importance, but when i have tried before the channel was still under password protection. So.... come on.

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1. Private Chat windows are pop-unders. I saw that you asked me, but I didn't see it until I had already gotten off. You closed the session, so I assumed you didn't want to come in anymore.

2. Private Channels are private for a reason. Funny how that works, eh? That channel in particular was being used for something specific at that time.

3. Yes, some channels you do need "status" to get into. Other times, we password channels to keep people out for private discussion. Other times, we are busy doing something and do not wish to be disturbed. If a channel is passworded its usually for a reason. And no, that reason (usually, disregarding DJ's typical malicious intent) is not for people to come crying about it.



I'm terribly sorry your feelings were hurt. Please contact DJ2 for a tissue.


THIS is what WoW does to you. Makes you an ass :D. Someone save Tp Roley before it's too late!!!!

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