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Port Forwarding


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I'm using utorrent to download and even though i have the port opened on my router, and the program unblocked on windows firewall, Utorrent says that the port isn't open.... I don't know what to do. Any ideas?





Edited by Blitzkrieg
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my friend had this problem and I had him go to..


Start > Run > msconfig [hit enter]


uncheck everything related to Norton in both the Startup and the Services, reboot.. and sure enough.. port's open now.


of course if you can't live without any AV software, then you're SOL i think..


Maybe it's your anti-virus?

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My firewall has it enabled.


And the only things checked on my startup list are my keyboard and mouse drivers and java.



-Edit: I don't have any anti virus programs that are always running, never liked how they take over your computer. I only have the ones that i use to get rid of viruses when i'm stupid enough to get them.

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Wow... yeah, that did it, "Your port is open".


Windows firewall fails again.


I lol'd pretty hard. My guess is there is some associated port along with the ones you've allowed that it's not noticing enough to prompt you for. For where I need a (software) firewall, I usually go Zonealarm free. It's treated me pretty well over the years.

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So should i just leave windows one off and download the one you suggested?

If not, how could i get Windows Firewall to stop being retarded?


-Edit: Downloading ZoneAlarm Free right now, nevermind =D

-Edit2: Still only getting 20 seeds out of 1400 =\

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So should i just leave windows one off and download the one you suggested?

If not, how could i get Windows Firewall to stop being retarded?


-Edit: Downloading ZoneAlarm Free right now, nevermind =D

-Edit2: Still only getting 20 seeds out of 1400 =\


Come to think of it, you should be able to do port-level exclusions on both of those, so allow the app to pass through as well as traffic on a specific port. Then again, I run ZA at home, use Bittorrent (older version, probably different setup than uTorrent) and have zero problems after I allow the app.


You have the ports punched and forwarded on your router, right? Sometimes you need to try that if UPnP isn't working properly.

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Yeah i have the port forwarded on my router, but i'm going to have to mess around with windows firewall. And all the previous versions of Utorrent have worked for me, but when they released 2.0.2, this happened.


-Edit: Even with Utorrent enabled, the new firewall you suggested (forget the name already) also blocked the ports. Just gonna go naked with the firewall while im downloading i suppose until they patch it or i can fix windows firewall. Thanks for your help Wingless!

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