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1. Abuser name: COR3Y

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:22898475

3. What sever: Jailbreak, duhhh

4. About what time: 2:50 central

5. PROOF: Coreyabuse.jpg


All he does is abuse his admin.



I vote for a permanent removal of his admin.

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I also have this little piece of work.




Cor3y claimed that Stig said he can run to shot for shot. I didn't hear anything because the server was being spammed by 12 year olds as usual. None of the other CT's heard this order and Cor3y proceeded to shot for shot and was killed after being counted down to return to the deagle cage. Amazingly the person that killed Cor3y got banned.

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This is about the fact you muted an entire team, if you read the motd as an admin should, it says you can't do something that will effect an entire team & it's not the first time you've done this.

Edited by [HG]John
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In motd it says that you cannot use your powers to effect an entire team...


Yet, it's been a long known rule to slay the entire CT team when they have not opened the cells by 5..... as well as muting the T team when they spam...


I myself, doom, Corey, and MANY other admins have muted the ENTIRE T TEAM when more than 3/4 of them start to spam....


It gets ridiculous when THEIR ENTIRE TEAM is spamming FREEDAY or some other imbecilic word..

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I myself, doom, Corey, and MANY other admins have muted the ENTIRE T TEAM when more than 3/4 of them start to spam....


It gets ridiculous when THEIR ENTIRE TEAM is spamming FREEDAY or some other imbecilic word..


You guys are enforcing rulse that aren't in the motd,

the cells open at 5 if you're on the death run server,

and if you're on another map, if you have a problem with how long it takes to open

than switch to CT and do it yourself.


Slaying or muting an entire team, is against the motd,

personally I think untill you start enforcing the rules of the motd,

you shouldn't be allowed admin.


& you shouldn't mute an entire team, because the rule of guilty by association doesn't apply in the server,

mute the ones who are spamming not everyone.






Edited by [HG]John
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Which would take a minute.........


Btw, I think you and any other admin would get super pissed if the cells weren't open by 5 for every round for 10 rounds...


It kinda gets annoying when you have to wait 10 minutes just to crouch out of your cell..


That is why the cells are automatically opened at 5......


I know that it says in motd not to do that and have you ever seen me slay or mute an entire team?


Yes, I did mute the t team once when EVERYONE on the T team was SPAMMING FREE DAY AND LEEROY.


Also, I did slay the Ct team when it was 4 o clock and I wrote on admin chat 10 times that The Cells must be open by 5.


It kind of gets annoying when the Ct's rush out of the armory and into the yard in alcatraz, leaving the t who spawned outside of his/her cell to run thru vents and into the armory, only to get killed by a lagging or new Ct. Then that Ct feels the need to just leave or sometimes open the cell...


It also says in motd that cells must be open by 5 I believe... Don't quote me on that because I might be wrong, but w/e.. I just know that everyone says they have to be open by 5.

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Mute those who are spamming, not the entire team.


Like I said, if you have a problem as to how long it takes for them to open cells, then switch to CT

and do a better job, untill then, stop bitching, and teamslaying and teammuting.


End of story.

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I agree with John.


If a portion of a team is using there mike to spam, then the whole team doesn't need to be muted, only the individual spammers. If 5 of 8 CT's free killed, then slaying all of the team would 1. Ruin the round and cause more spamming and raging then the spammers themselves. 2. That wouldn't be fare for the ones who were following the rules and the MOTD.


So truthfully, muting a whole team so that YOUR ears stop hurting is abuse and unfair for the ones who don't have a mic and that aren't spamming. You my friend are wrong. BOTH OF YOU.

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only thing i can say is that hes alway using the admin chat for no important reason like when hes just talking to 1 guy or w.e n i forgot to take SS of it but im sure im not the only one that saw but but he was slaping him self over the cage when he was in the deagle cage n always slaping him self for the fun to slap him self or to make him self fly...


thank you :)

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8 out of maybe 12 were making noise, I couldn't even tell who it was because they would spam music for like 2 seconds then turn it off then do it again, so I just muted the team, and I have seen others mute a whole team or slay a whole team.

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French Fries, that is bullshit. I did it in solitary when I was locked in. So don't try to start that shit. John, yesterday, they were spamming there mics like crazy when The Stig was trying to give simon says commands, and you said STFU so he can give commands or I'll mute you all. Yeah, I saw that.

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i would like to point out a couple things.


1.) dani mass slayed a whole team and obviously she's not getting banned



2.) everyone spaming the mic at the same time can and has crashed the server, so i'm not saying it is alright to mute them, but by doing it he probably prevented the server from going down.


maybe this ruling is kind of harsh? /not up to me

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The main reason was the way he acted in Vent when we talked to him. We didn't have any problem we just wanted to talk to him because of the 2-3 abuse threads. He put us off on Vent and that's what ultimately made the decision.

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