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what is this


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So on 5/25 at 12:30 am i went out on a bike ride from Portland, Or to Boring, Or and back total for a 45 mile trip, on the trip i took some pics, but one of the pics i took has a strange fog in it, but it was not foggy and i quit smoking a year ago due to health issues, but i need some help on finding out what this is


this pic was taken on a rail to trail path called Springwater Corridor, and from what i have found out so far the tracks that were paved over were used back when steam locomotives were in use


Springwater Corridor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


40 Mile Loop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



here is the pic,

i know its dark it was taken some time around 1-2am



the original sized down full size is last link



edited made black & white



edited turned highlight to max



full size pic

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Assuming it's not a shop (always have to throw that out there), I'd assume there was some sort of water source or underground vent with a temperature change that would cause a fog in that one spot. It's probably not a smoke monster of the literal or fictional kind. Wouldn't really worry.

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Uhm. Maybe the air was moist (in that area) and the lens dewed/fogged. Then when you continued the air was less moist and the dew/fog disappeared? Like when you have taken a hot steam shower and the mirror steams up. When the moister is gone the dew disappears :D

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well i'm going to be taking the trip again next week this time going 10 miles further, but ill try to find this point again and see if it happens again, or if i can find the source.

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