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Dunno how good facebook protection is at guessing Ip's and so forth, But there is an IP hacking my computer not sure how since I reformatted, His/her IP is This is probabley not actually the IP but I need help, This guy is hacking everything.

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It seems to be something with my iPod I can't log into facebook on my iPod but once I log on my computer nothing else happens, Like It will say the US, but could my pod be the Location that is unfamiliar?

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None of that really makes sense from an English point of view (ironic, I know) but the just of it is that you think you're getting your shit hijacked and that IP is coming up on a Facebook alert. That IP is registered to PSINet (Cognet) according to ARIN.


OrgName:    PSINet, Inc. 
OrgID:      PSI
Address:    1015 31st St NW
City:       Washington
StateProv:  DC
PostalCode: 20007
Country:    US


If you were using your iPod to connect over wireless, it would retain the same IP address as the rest of the wireless traffic. Either way, you probably have some malware, and I wouldn't be surprised if you're getting keylogged. You DO have current anti-virus, right?


Also, it wouldn't hurt to completely blow away your iPod's memory. It's susceptible to the same kind of malware that flash drives are (plug it in, autoruns an app, kits your shit).

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Would it make any difference if I said I was logging in through eBuddy, Scanning now, with AVG shit.


I don't think it matters a whole lot what client you're using.


But yeah, make sure your virus definitions are up to date. I've been using Avast lately, but AVG is pretty solid.


Might also run MBAM. Some say they have good luck with the Windows security essentials. They benchmark very highly, but I have this thing about Microsoft software.

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