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Pipeline Server Issues


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I'm posting here because I'm a big fan of the 24/7 Pipeline server (been VIP for a few months in the past), and I've seen a variety of problems since I've played there.


  • Today (6/12), there were three or four people hacking on the Red team. I presume they were using some sort of aimhack, and there were spies moving/walking a lot faster than normal (Not as a result of DiceMod). I spectated them, and they were killing people while aiming at the floor, among other things. Which leads me to my next point.
  • Even though there's an advert on the server that encourages people to voteban, the actual command isn't enabled for standard users through SM. Typing sm_voteban into the console spits back a message that says "You do not have permission to run this command." or something like that. So you guys need to update your SM permission settings to allow regular users to voteban and votekick, or remove that advert. I sure would have loved the ability to voteban the hackers that were on there today.
  • I realize noone here coded the bots (you probably downloaded them from some website, perhaps they're an SM plugin, I have no idea), but some of the things they do are extremely unrealistic. Their jumping, for example, is completely unrealistic. Again, I know noone here coded the bots, but perhaps someone could check on the developer's website for an update? If one exists, perhaps it's fixed some of the various problems with the bots. I only bring this up because a lot of people come on during the night to "practice" and hone their skills, and the bots are a great way to do that. In fact, I'm pretty sure if the bots disappeared, I'd stop coming here. I'm not the only one, either, lots of people come for the bots. So if there's some update or something that makes them better, I think we'd all love an update. :)
  • The command "/getadmin" (which is also on the SM Advert list) doesn't work at all, in fact, I don't think the in-game web browser has worked for quite awhile. And I think it's a pretty bad advert to begin with, I mean, you aren't just giving out server admin to anyone that applies, so simply having that command is kind of pointless, isn't it?

There. I think I've pointed out all the things I've noticed were wrong with the server over the past few months. And don't get me wrong, I love coming here (to the server, I mean), I just think that with a few tweaks and updates, it could be even better. :)

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Today (6/12), there were three or four people hacking on the Red team. I presume they were using some sort of aimhack, and there were spies moving/walking a lot faster than normal (Not as a result of DiceMod). I spectated them, and they were killing people while aiming at the floor, among other things. Which leads me to my next point.


For hackers record demos and take screenshots as proof and post on the forums to get them banned. Admins are not always available so by doing this your helping the server stay fun for all.


Even though there's an advert on the server that encourages people to voteban, the actual command isn't enabled for standard users through SM. Typing sm_voteban into the console spits back a message that says "You do not have permission to run this command." or something like that. So you guys need to update your SM permission settings to allow regular users to voteban and votekick, or remove that advert. I sure would have loved the ability to voteban the hackers that were on there today.


Other people also want sm_voteban, especially on the Hoodoo server. I think this should be an option which anyone can initiate.


I realize noone here coded the bots (you probably downloaded them from some website, perhaps they're an SM plugin, I have no idea), but some of the things they do are extremely unrealistic. Their jumping, for example, is completely unrealistic. Again, I know noone here coded the bots, but perhaps someone could check on the developer's website for an update? If one exists, perhaps it's fixed some of the various problems with the bots. I only bring this up because a lot of people come on during the night to "practice" and hone their skills, and the bots are a great way to do that. In fact, I'm pretty sure if the bots disappeared, I'd stop coming here. I'm not the only one, either, lots of people come for the bots. So if there's some update or something that makes them better, I think we'd all love an update. :)


I don't know how the bots work but I think someone was updated them a while back but it hasn't done much.


The command "/getadmin" (which is also on the SM Advert list) doesn't work at all, in fact, I don't think the in-game web browser has worked for quite awhile. And I think it's a pretty bad advert to begin with, I mean, you aren't just giving out server admin to anyone that applies, so simply having that command is kind of pointless, isn't it?


/getadmin was working last time I tried it on Hoodoo but it might be a new problem since Valve updated.

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