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lol'd, sux2bu australia :<


Was pretty cool back when i played it in the beta, although 3slotted weps were just fucking retardedly overpowered.. are they still like that?


I know you said the driving is realistic now, but what game would you think it most closely represents? (gta / rally games / driving sims)


Got a couple of screeny's below incase anyone wanted to see what the graphics are like / gameplay (yes, I'm awesome and punching a girl in the face)


My car



How it ended up after pretty much every beta playtest driving due to extreme lag and shitty controls.



[HG] Dan - posing



Punching some random woman... she called me a fucking prick =(



Meeting one of those "special" people who can't aim to save their life, literally :(

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An excerpt from the APB editorial in PC Gamer Maagazine I found funny:


... And that's what APB does best. It dynamically judges what you're doing and throws a giant, highly customized, improbably mohawked nemesis into the works, possibly named "Ihaveactuallybeeninjail2009".

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