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World Cup Brazil vs North Korea @ 2PM Eastern


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Then U.N. Peacekeepers are gonna be like

hey yo dawg we dont like that.

then korea gonna all be like

yo man we dont care

then u.n.

dawg yo a** is grass

then korea all be like yo dawg we still got ak 47s man

then u.n. is all like

we got betta gats then you

then the referee be like

yo man you are disqualified yo


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Uhh that was sorta racist? They can smuggle them in because it's Africa? So? It's Africa.. Could still smuggle them into US.


No Sia, it's not. Because any race can live in any country. And it's not like Africa is pure blacks. They just have shitty security because the governments are corrupt.


And lol since NK lost.... Kim Jong II wont announce the news to his country! But they'll sort of already know since he won't tell them.....

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