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Everyone forgets that Jailbreak is a great server... that attracts a ton of people to join HG...


I mean for god sakes the last like 30 applications were from Jailbreak... and as JJK said the last like 300 dollars were from Jailbreak...


It's a profiting server, but the admin corruption is continuing....

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But u know... The ppl are also out of control. >.<

Without them being cruel.... its hell in there.


I stayed up till 4 am waiting for another admin to come on, cause if i left i knew freekilling would happen.

The players were like... KIKI leave already so we can freekill.

Im like wtf???

So then pepsi and dani came on and i was free to sleep. -_-!

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Wow, that's pretty messed up lol. I have to be honest and say I haven't been on that server for a while but my best friend plays it everyday since I got him hooked on it. I stopped playing because admins on there are corrupt and do absolutely nothing about the free killers. It's sooo much better when JJK is in there lol, such security bro. Anyways, another admin that is my favorite is fdhelmin. Both will switch it up and have some fun if everyone wants to. An example is like speed rounds!

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