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Leaky Faucet

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The x box is an inferior pieceof shit system. almsot everything about it is outdated and jewish. Dual console games are made to be able to play on the xbox if they did not do that half the games would need like 10 disks because of how shit HD DVDs are. Just look at Final Fantasy 13, a game MADE for the ps3. Look how the xbox version came out. Worse graphics and 15 disks show how games are made worse because of that piece of doo doo system.

have fun dancing you fa****s with your piece of shit xbox

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Your comparing the fat ps3 to the new xbox. haha are you dumb.



Also the 3 xbox disks were still inferior to the ps3s one disk. having to change disk isnt that big of a problem for me but it is quite inconvient. not taking into account how bad the xbox version of that game was.



also the xbox is more prone to failure then the ps3. ive known 3-4 pepole who needed to fix their xbox or get a whole new xbox or new HD. Ive known 1 person whos ps3 fucked up. The newer xbox might be better but still just saying.




i have both systems too if you were wondering

Edited by wild bill
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you serious kinect is the stupidest fucking shit ive ever seen this new shit is fucking gimmicks who the fuck wants to play with that garbage.



and microsoft is only trying to catch up to the ps3 when it comes to the hardware. ps3 has had everything that new xbox had SINCE ITS RELEASE. EVEN SO it still has its inferior hardware and OBVIOUSLy worse HD DVD. The only thing better might be the Internet which you have to pay for but what ever. Shits cheap

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being compatible with a call of duty game doesnt wow me at all. its a gimmick thats all. If kinect gets really big im going to be quite surprised. It just seems rather stupid. I can see alot of retarded games being compatable. Like fa**** dancing or fat ass workout game. It might be cool of you have a gun for CoD BLACK ops but id rather play my fpses on a PC or using a controller. Not looking like a schmuck pointing a fake gun at your tv screen

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implying that halo is actually a good game.


I already have said halo 1 was great one of my favorite Fpses but halo 2 and 3 suck ass


Agree, all Halo is now is a money cow, XBox is only good because of XBox Live, yes it is better than Playstation Network.

But other than that, PS3 is a better system.

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Umm yeah I think that both systems suck horribly in several ways.


PS3: It is ugly, the controller sucks major balls, and I generally don't like the games.


XBOX 360: Umm, the hardware is garbage, WAY too many little freaking kids, and Kinect


PC: Sweet ass.



Though I own an Xbox 360, I sort of favor it.... but whatever. I can't wait until 8th gen. But honestly what really pissed me off is that Microsoft decided to go cutesy-cuddly with gimmicks. I want an 8th gen hardcore console NOW!

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ODST was pretty much halo 3 with out dual wielding and halo 2 was the weakest game of the series.


face it both were sub par and lackluster compared to the first


ODST just should have been D/C. In my opinion it goes this way


1. Halo 1

2. Halo 3

3. Halo 2

4. Halo: ODST

5. Halo Wars

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