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i made a QQ thread about my rage

i know :unsure:


I would understand the frustration especially if you dedicated alot of time (I think I have almost 1300 hours of CSS on my acc)... so yeah if this poops then I'll have to wait X_x


noo if you don't play then I can't troll you or even kill you o_O

I'm at work and I didn't even know there was an update... <_<


from what I've seen and heard, it takes forever! =(


am I right or is it just retard hour for me? xD

Edited by enigma#
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Update only took me twenty minutes. I dunno how you all failed at it.


I personally HATED tf2 shit. Im so mad they brought in all the stupid shit from it.


Physichs n graphics...somewhat ok.

No bunnyhopping TY

gay kill cams....gay.

New shooting engine...well see.

New scoreboard, THANK GOD

Everything else...GAY


Shoulda left it the way it was

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Hey I'm gonna be cool like everyone else now!



See?! -------------> /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread /thread





oh, and +1

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