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Admin Abuse - {�$ǘ} Tiger [RaWr]"


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{Ã…Â$ǘ} Tiger [RaWr]"




Admin Abuse


Demo - http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/yk/tige.dem


Not sure if this guys new or anything, but I just came on after a friend asked me to watch this guy, basically he's abusing like hell..


In the demo, you'll see him tell them to get on the cage, doesn't give an option for them to play the opinionated joke day or not(i think) then changes his mind and calls it a "pokemon day".

He then proceeds to tell all CT's to drop their guns(pretty much gunplanting as they were at the big cage entrance - leading a T to pick them up as they jump down)

The "pokemon day" is not played correctly - no leader, he just chooses a random T and tells them to knife a CT on the team.

Then when it get's down to S4S another CT on the team(new to the server afaik - Teddy) runs out of the area. now the terrorist has taken 2 shots(see chat / console for proof) and Teddy goes back and kills him, then without warning or even teamswitching, Tiger ban's Teddy for 30 minutes with the ban-message "GTFO".




This kid needs his admin temp removing and to read the rules tbh.. This is only one demo and apparantly he's been doing the same kind of shit(unmuting himself when dead and spamming mic, spamming allchat/admin chat and general douchebaggery/freekilling and slaying) for nearly 40 minutes today, and possibly other days aswell if my sources aren't lieing to me, however as I said I only demo'd this round, i'm heading back in now, and i'll continue to demo him and will edit this post with more proof if necessary.


Edit: when I rejoined he was on T's, he then proceeded to teamswitch himself mid round to CT(still a T skin) and ran towards armory(assuming he was going to just kill everyone) but died on the way there. Then when dead he unmuted himself to talk.

Next round in, there's a dispute over who got lead between him and Rawr ash. He mute's rawr ash and then disrespects her.

Demo 2 - http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/2j/tigerrawr.dem

Edited by Adt
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Ok, Rawrash 1st you basically disrespected our CT's so u have no room in this,

Adt, i understand you think i was abusing, i didnt say where doing Joke Day, i said Pokemon day, and i said drop ur weapons CT's so they could get ready for the day, and i didn't gun plant,


Pokemon, day can be played many different ways.

Teddy, i gave him multiple warnings, and he didn't take 2 shots, the LR would be over if so, and Teddy was Prop Blocking, etc. etc. he also didn't listen to when i told him commands for the Lead of CT.


Rawr Ash, i did let people lead, you tried to over talk all the ct's so, you don't have a room in this post, that is just what i think.


Rawr ash, i never said i could do w.e i wanted to, i followed the rules i accsidently freekilled so i slayed my self, i dont disrespect people.

If you get on my bad side, i will disrespect you, you kept talking over people such as the CT's etc.

Clearly you use a voice changer which is considered mic spam, because it isnt ur real voice.

Edited by DeFuze
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Rawrash, i read the motd i respected you till you got on my bad side trying to talk over the CT's orders, etc.

+ You need to read the rules you're voice changer is considered spam, because it isnt ur real voice, its voice

modified so you're not really speaking and that is considered spam, which is a Warn/Kick/Ban.

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lil side note im not using a voice changer plz ask general red or faithless i have been on stickam with a few of the hg memebers but thxs! btw "i dont disrespect people.

If you get on my bad side, i will disrespect you" kinda contradicting urself ?

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Rawrash, i read the motd i respected you till you got on my bad side trying to talk over the CT's orders, etc.

+ You need to read the rules you're voice changer is considered spam, because it isnt ur real voice, its voice

modified so you're not really speaking and that is considered spam, which is a Warn/Kick/Ban.


Can you give some proof of her using a voice changer? I don't think you can unless you know her in real life.


And, even if someone gets on your bad side, you should not disrespect one bit.

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1) the demo's have all the proof, it's up to the higher up's now..

2) ash doesn't use a voice changer she is *gasp* a female (trust me, i've seen the proof)

3) imo you need to give the admin rules/motd a re-read, and get off your high horse, you're telling others not to spam over lead yet you unmute yourself to do it.

4) a 30 minute ban was uncalled for with Teddy in any case.. a slay and MAYBE a team-switch at the most, you're just throwing your weight around because your parents bought you admin to shut you up.

edit 2: take a look at demo 1 if you want, you'll see his lr opponent took 2 shots, so yes the LR was over, and his kill was justified as technically the T was rebelling

If you get on my bad side, i will disrespect you,



edit: pushing a chair around in front of big cage is not prop-blocking, especially with a destroyable chair(which you shot). Pushing it infront of a doorway, however - is, which he didn't do in any case.

edit 3: just reread your first post

i didnt say where doing Joke Day, i said Pokemon day,
Why in the demo did you ask someone to come down and tell you a joke, then subsequently kill them for it? Edited by Adt
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Tiger, when I asked you in game to come and post in this thread to defend yourself I had no idea you were Defuze. I told you MULTIPLE TIMES last time I was in jailbreak to stop unmuting yourself to spam, I came on vent to talk to you about it and you flipped out on me. I thought this was all sorted out but apparently it's not.

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lil side note im not using a voice changer plz ask general red or faithless i have been on stickam with a few of the hg memebers but thxs! btw "i dont disrespect people.

If you get on my bad side, i will disrespect you" kinda contradicting urself ?


she DOES NOT use a voice changer i have played with her on other servers many times b4, and tiger u were spamming, and is there really a need to tell cts to drop their guns just tell them to take their knives out.

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First demo has nothing, Teddy was a justified ban since he was breaking rules and acting like an idiot.

Second demo however is where I see blatant abuse of power, and tiger being a douche. Rawrr ash actually had lead that round and you spam your mic and then mute her. Team switching mid round is common sense not to do it.


Banned for 2 days, please read over the admin rules carefully. The next time something like this happens you could possibly lose your admin.

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