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admins banning


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  Lt.Awsome91 said:
Moto has a point, and, I think I'm the only admin here who has spent around 10-15 minutes looks for the suitable ban reason for someone being in a banned clan. In the end, it was " Inappropriate Name ".


But, yea, Jason has a point, just by looking at the ban list


dude: !ban name <time> <reason> in chat box

you can even add you own reason from the admin menu, at the end of the reason menu hit 4 "own reason"

and type it in chat lol!

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being an old admin from other server, I would suggest not banning by chat command. I have seen whole servers banned because of a mistype or it becoming a serious problem. As a rule of thumb we were not allowed to by ban chat command because we could cause some serious damage

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  Cisco said:
being an old admin from other server, I would suggest not banning by chat command. I have seen whole servers banned because of a mistype or it becoming a serious problem. As a rule of thumb we were not allowed to by ban chat command because we could cause some serious damage




This. I have also seen, in a stupid youtube video where a player that we know was hacking in our Dust2 server, got the admin to ban himself.

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