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T-Pain SteamID STEAM_0:0:33151407 perma ban request


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1. Name:T-Pain

2. Steam Id:SteamID STEAM_0:0:33151407


4. Reason:mass mic spam and disconnect then reconnect

5. Proof: proof of steam id disconnect and reconnect-------> http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/3o/t-pain_mic_spam.jpg the demo of this -------> doesnt want to load at the moment but i have proof of it not loading ----------> http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/rk/proof_of_demonotloading.jpg

6. Comments: he has done this many times before and im asking if you can perma ban him and once again the jailbreak has admin not working thats why im busy reporting today







that is the demo i hope it plays for you guys

Edited by paintball
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Hello, paintball,


Our Staff will process your report/request as soon as they are able. To ensure your report/request is completed as quickly as possible, we ask that you complete the following forms based on the type of request you are making, as follows:


Abuse: http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23


Ban Request: http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18


Unban Request: http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20


T-List Request: http://www.hellsgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13166


Please note that our Staff members are not always able to immediately respond to all threads, and we ask that you please be patient while process your request/report.



If you feel that your issue is pressing and needs immediate attention, feel free to join our Ventrilo:


IP: vent.hellsgamers.com

Port: 4198



Thank you again for your support in submitting this report/request. We always welcome community assistance with server policing.



The HG Staff and Council

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I am here to say that we need no demo, he has been spamming WAY too much. Just annoying, on top of that he impersonated Scott as well. Now I know we have no solid proff, but its hard to get a decent demo when there is so much JB chaos.

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what the fuck do you mean, yes you need a demo.

You always need a demo or a screenshot on ban report/request or abuse report.


I follow a double standard

And again i have a demo

But he is in spectator so u dont see his name when he is spamming

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Hey.I was on the server at the time and yes he was mic-spamming i like to say that but you probably do need some kind of "real proof" such as a video/demo for such a thing.A Screenshot won't help much but it will show he/she was talking but it won't show he was mic spamming because anyone could take a screenshot of someone talking on mic but we need to hear the sound to be 100% he/she was mic spamming. - HellGamers Recruit Sgt.Soldier

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