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Disabled kids Jamboree


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As some of you may know of my sister was born with Spinobifida. Spinobifida is a basically were you are born with your spine split into two in the middle. Therefore surgery is required to surgically put the two-half's back into place with one another. Then that being done fluid builds up on your spine and flows to the brain. They put in what they call a "Shunt" witch drains the fluid from the brain to there intestine track. Of course she is wheelchair bond for life and is handicap from waste down.


Want to know more about Spinobifida: Spina bifida - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


There are multiple disabled children in this world of many problems such as hers.


In Pennsylvania were I live we made a organization that recruits and brings all these children together to have a day during the summer or enjoyment and fun in there life. So also they can meet others like them and be around others that are disabled. It makes them feel comfort, puts a smile on there faces, and gives them a insight of there not the only ones out there with problems.


The organization that we put together goes around recruiting others witch disabled problems.


Here are some pictures of what we basically do for the children.







The Jamboree starts off when you get there with a small parade of welcoming.





Pioneers and State Trooper volunteers lighting the torches for the beginning of the games.
















Here are basically all the games and activities they do basically. Archery, Racing, Basketball, Baseball throwing, and for the blind they strap a harness to you witch is connected to a wire poll to poll and they run down the stretch as fast as they can.


Then the next day they all join up for a reunion of awarding for those of who got rewards for competing in the games and activities.


Next year My father and I are going to become clowns as well joining the two others to entertain these children.


Just wanted to show you all of how the disabled can do as much as we can! So show your appreciation to those out there.

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