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motd rule ideas from paintball


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for the motd 1 idea is no fudge packing days to minimize fking and no hugging your favorite ct days and if your a ct you must have a mic that does not suck (too low,broken,dont have one,or just dont feel like useing it) and if your ct dont mess with the props in the maps and climb somewhere (being a useless ct) and thats it for now

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that would be an awesome addition to the motd but.... and this is just an opinion if you inforce this rule there would have to be a permenent admin on at all times to make sure that theres no ct hugs or bad mics or cts not talking and it would in all honesty just be a hastle to keep up with all of this enless they can make a list like the (t list) and call it the (bad mic list) and then you might have something there but other than that its gonna be far fetched my friend

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