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My friend Geoff


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A month or so back I had posted on the forums about a close friend of mine getting involved in drugs and wondering how all of you thought I should approach the situation. Well, he finally stopped doing drugs after dramatically smashing his bong in the street. I was incredibly happy for him that he was able to do this and that I had gotten my friend back... Not for long


At 5:10 AM today, Geoff was arrested for breaking into a house that had caught on fire the night before (Here is the link to the article)

UPDATE: 2 OP teens arrested for burglarizing burn victims’ home


The other kid, Sean Rachanski is another friend of mine who I had been arrested with just 2 years prior to this felony. We set a playground on fire and were both charged for criminal damage to property by fire. After that I stopped committing crimes and he did not. This is Geoff's first felony and Sean's second, Sean is still on probation from his first felony and now he is being charged with another.


The reason I am posting this is to explain that I might not be around for a while, I have to get my head straight, my best friend and another friend are probably going to jail. I'm not posting this in the extended absences thread because I will still be around just not as active for the next week or so.


Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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You did the right thing by stop committing crimes. I was happy at first for your friend smashing his bong in the street, ( Sorry Hippie) that things were finally changing around, but now hes acting stupid for breaking into things that aren't his.


I know your head is spinning like 200 miles an hour but thing of it this way.


1. Your friends will learn from this and get their act together. (hopefully)

2. You will have time away from them to get your mind straight and think more about yourself for the future.

3. You guys really need the time to be apart for a while and let things settle out on their own.


It's hard...yea, but that's life, life isn't suppose to be easy. That's why your going to face these obstacles for a reason. A reason for something, but it will come along in the near future.

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You did the right thing by stop committing crimes. I was happy at first for your friend smashing his bong in the street, ( Sorry Hippie) that things were finally changing around, but now hes acting stupid for breaking into things that aren't his.


I know your head is spinning like 200 miles an hour but thing of it this way.


1. Your friends will learn from this and get their act together. (hopefully)

2. You will have time away from them to get your mind straight and think more about yourself for the future.

3. You guys really need the time to be apart for a while and let things settle out on their own.


It's hard...yea, but that's life, life isn't suppose to be easy. That's why your going to face these obstacles for a reason. A reason for something, but it will come along in the near future.


We're agreeing for some reason, minus the fate thing, but that's how it is. It's not really you that needs to get his head straight, it's him. Hopefully a felony conviction is enough for him to realize that he's fucked up and needs to make some changes. I hear prison isn't pleasant.

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