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What do you think I should do?


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I've had Vista for about 2 years now, never had a problem aside from a hard drive crash but that wasn't o.s. related. I recommend going with Win 7. If you really can't wait go w/ vista since win 7 will supposedly be alot cheaper than any previous o.s. by microsoft...

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windows 7 is like what vista should have been. i'm still wondering why it's not just a free sevice pack to vista

Because Microsoft wants more money. Bill Gates is old, he needs money for his kids and gran kids

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Vista is a turd sandwich.


I demo'd Windows 7 for a bit (they had the beta up for download a while back, they might still have it up), and though its kind of unstable right now, overall it's looking a lot better than Vista ever was.


For gaming though, nothing beats 98 or XP at this point in time.

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Fixed that for ya lol


Vista is a turd sandwich.


I demo'd Windows 7 for a bit (they had the beta up for download a while back, they might still have it up), and though its kind of unstable right now, overall it's looking a lot better than Vista ever was.


For gaming though, nothing beats 2000 or XP at this point in time.

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Fixed that for ya lol


Windows 98se > *


I could do ANYTHING with that OS.... 2000 was good, basically NT, ME was gayer than a 3-homo sandwich...XP made me cry a little and Vista caused me to die some on the inside... 7 seems like microsoft might redeem themselves a little

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This summer I'm going to be upgrading my PC. But I have a problem. I dont know if I should stay with windows XP, Uprade to vista, or wait for windows 7 to be released.



What do you think I should do?

hey i recomend u


Windows XP

2 GTX 280 or 260 SLI

A Q9550 For a good 12MB !


and 4gb of corsair dominator 800mhz or 1066 `_`

Edited by BIG.Z
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I've been running the 7 demo since it came out. After I stopped being lazy and got rid of some faulty hardware, I haven't had a single problem with it. If you have the hardware to support it (it's not as needy as Vista) you'll get your sexy and your functionality out of it. You'll also get your bleeding edge DX support without having to run Vista >.>


Always to be said - Even Windows 7 still can't handle RAM worth a damn, but that's more of a Microsoft thing than specifically to 7.

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