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HT | Richie


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1. Abuser name: HT | Richie

2. Their Steam Id: ...

3. What sever: Deathrun

4. About what time: 6:55 PM 4/08/09



(ADMIN) HT | Richie: shookie stop now

Ã—Æ Ò¢Â Æ× Lt. Shinysides suicided.

Yellow Ranger suicided.

*DEAD* Yellow Ranger : fck

(ADMIN) HG | L A P D`: no music

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: first and last warning

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: i will ban

*DEAD* <ESC> Pirate : Shooooookie :U

Join our Forums at http://www.HeLLsGamers.com

*DEAD* [Pro bhop] mr. shizzle : why ban for music?

*DEAD* [Pro bhop] mr. shizzle : what's wrong iwth it?

*DEAD* wS.Shookiecookie : cuz

*DEAD* wS.Shookiecookie : some people are gay

Unknown command: commandmenu

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: because ive warned...

*DEAD* ĦG | ooled Ò³ÄÑ General : its annyoing

*DEAD* wS.Shookiecookie : thats why

*DEAD* [Pro bhop] mr. shizzle : so mute him in player list

Join HG's Public Ventrilo IP vent.hellsgamers.com Port: 4198

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: thanks shookie have a nice day

*DEAD* ĦG | ooled Ò³ÄÑ General : aw man he just insulted you

*DEAD* wS.Shookiecookie : what?

*DEAD* [Pro bhop] mr. shizzle : what about the ppl who like the music?

Disconnect: Kicked by Console : You were kicked by Admin.

Disconnect: Kicked by Console : You were kicked by Admin.



ok well i stopped playing my music like he told me too, and as you can see some1 asked why stop playing music, and i responded to him. because some assholes dont like music. so richie kicked me?





Player wS.Shookiecookie connected with SteamID STEAM_0:1:2810037

wS.Shookiecookie connected

Master Ch31f suicided.

Scaredsox The Colorless suicided.

Failed to load sound "admin_plugin\amievil.mp3", file probably missing from disk/repository

Welcome to The HeLLsGamers Organization since 2005!

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: LOL?

*DEAD* hi'the(yoshi)deadly kid#2 : fails

*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) [Pro bhop] mr. shizzle : calm down

*DEAD* ĦG | ooled Ò³ÄÑ General : mmhm

*DEAD* Scaredsox The Colorless : ugh

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: yes you were

(ADMIN) HG | L A P D`: me ???

(Q-G) JCao?? connected

Player (Q-G) JCao?? connected with SteamID STEAM_0:1:9740586

Scaredsox The Colorless suicided.

<ESC> Pirate : motd

Somebody annoying? Just type votekick

(ADMIN) HG | L A P D`: i didnt kick ir some think

Ã—Æ Ò¢Â Æ× The Guy suicided.

Yellow Ranger suicided.

uncz suicided.

Somebody cheating? Just type voteban

Player Ã—Æ Ò¢Â Æ× The Guy disconnected with SteamID STEAM_0:1:9063247

HG | L A P D` suicided.

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: muted player wS.Shookiecookie

ýaÉx'Crafty Crackers lrupT^ suicided.

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: kk

Player ýaÉx'Crafty Crackers lrupT^ disconnected with SteamID STEAM_0:1:22236069

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: stop talking crap

Join The HeLLsGamers Organization. Apply at HeLLsGamers.com/Join

ĦG | ooled Ò³ÄÑ General suicided.

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: 5 minute mute again

Master Ch31f : rtv

Player Master Ch31f has started rock the vote, type 'rockthevote' or 'rtv' to join in, 11 required

Type 'nominate' to bring up a nomination menu for your favourite map

[Joo]PowerNos suicided.

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: do not avoid or its a ban

omnipotence suicided.

Master Ch31f : nominate

Player ĦG | ooled Ò³ÄÑ General disconnected with SteamID STEAM_0:1:6619100

Supreme Commander suicided.

Ã—Æ Ò¢Â Æ× Lt. Shinysides suicided.

KAMI connected

Player KAMI connected with SteamID STEAM_0:0:19315459

db | im GEWD suicided.

[HG] Clan Application at http://www.HeLLsGamers.com/Join

hi'the(yoshi)deadly kid#2 suicided.

wS.Shookiecookie suicided.

Player: wS.Shookiecookie - Damage Taken


Damage Taken from "world" - 550 in 1 hit

Player hi'the(yoshi)deadly kid#2 disconnected with SteamID STEAM_0:1:15837125

Connecting to



Ok Well i said im muting richie. so he muted me again? and i didnt say one word to him or anybody, and then hes like. if you rejoin its a 5 minute ban. and i didnt even do anything agianst the rules?




Player wS.Shookiecookie connected with SteamID STEAM_0:1:2810037

wS.Shookiecookie connected

(ADMIN) HT | Richie: 5 minute ban shookie

*DEAD* hi'the(yoshi)deadly kid#2 : ima beet it

Server Tick Rate 100

[Pro bhop] mr. shizzle : ew.................

[Pro bhop] mr. shizzle : ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Disconnect: Kicked and banned.

Disconnect: Kicked and banned.



i rejoin and say, why was i muted. i didnt even say anything to you. then all of of sudden i get banned...



sorry it wouldnt take any screenshots so i had to copy nd paste

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reviewed, you have been warned about spamming, so when you joined and immediately spammmed he banned your for 5 min, sounds like you deservered a longer ban IMO


btw rejoining to avoid a mute is cause for more bant

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Just saying but why would you take things out of your console and re paste them on here? why not take a screen shot? because if you did it would show that you were being totaly and utterly dumb and disrespect full, next time please take a screen shot so we KNOW you didnt do anything to tamper with the evidence... If there is any...

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It seems to me like you've just posted your own Ban report.




Let me direct you to your rules of playing in HG servers.


The 2nd one: -You will be watched very closely, any mic spamming(up to the admins discretion WITH VALID PROOF) will result in a ban.


"ok well i stopped playing my music like he told me too, and as you can see some1 asked why stop playing music, and i responded to him. because some assholes dont like music. so richie kicked me?"

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IDK ..I think this what happen .....richie got mad cuz shookie told some asshole dont like music and that way he got kicked.....

and I wasnt trying to get in to this 'druma' ....

shookie didnt called richie a ASShole lol



g2g ..I didnt did my homework :rock:

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