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I'm not sure if you've really said anything to them directly but since this is your life, if you do not want people going to this baby shower... say so.


I know since it's your family it's much tougher to say anything but you do need to be assertive regardless of the situation. As well, I have assumed you thought about the exclusion prior and this isn't some unjust impulsive decision you made based on all emotion.


Let them know how you feel about the situation so for instance, say


"Look, I'm hosting a small baby shower and I'd like to keep it that way"

I honestly don't know since I've never been to one but you'd have to be assertive otherwise you end up resenting them =(


You can also try being diplomatic and compromise with them but based on what you've said, it sounds like you're adamant into not letting them go to it. That is fine for your information, it's your baby shower anyways.


I dunno that would be my fail cents about this.

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