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Source on my MAC!!!


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I just bought an External Hardrive off a friend for 20 bucks that is 55 gigs. I wanted one for awhile just to put Steam and CSS on it. I finally did it; the next time you see me on NTF I'm going to be on my Mac! I really hope it doesn't fail lol

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Lol on the Mac jokes but I used to hate it but once you get one free... you start to like it better than your crappy laptop. Btw the reg feels different. I was in the Iceworld DM and couldn't hit anyone. The only problem I have is that I can't access friends when I am in game. I tried ctrl + tab and even changed the key but still not working like it should.

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Lol on the Mac jokes but I used to hate it but once you get one free... you start to like it better than your crappy laptop.


I'd say you'd probably like any modern hardware over an antiquated piece of shit. It's actually one of the core principals of marketing.

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