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Global Dance Festival


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Am I the only one who goes to raves/does drugs here?

Because if so, I'm gonna feel really awkward talking about this.


ANYWAYS, this weekend (Friday and Saturday) is the Global Dance Festival here in Colorado. Yeah, it's a rave (especially the 1AM to 7AM after party). So I thinking about this, I was wondering if anyone else in hg was into the whole rave scene?


Lemme know if you've been to raves/which ones. :D

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I drink like crazy.. and i like weed..


Same here.

I mean, it's not like I do drugs ALL the time, but it's not like I'm gonna get cracked out or anything. Cocaine, Meth, and Heroin aren't gonna happen haha.

I tend to stick to the fun stuff that doesn't have a complete chance to kill you like 2c-b, ecstacy, acid, and the occasional boomer.

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