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What kind of admin is this.


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1. Your in-game name:-------------------- Sketchy.

2. Server that you were banned on:------- Hide N Seek. (css)

3. The Banning admin:-------------------- Stanger.

4. Your Steam-Id:------------------------ STEAM_0:1:9802135 1

5. Reason for ban:--->


Ok, So I was talking to hmmm, I dont't remeber his name but it was Stanger "under another name". I was talking to him about Personnal stuff.. Nothing that could Disturb the Server or annoy other people. I guesse he got pissed cause i was saying he was no life because he was Braging of Having a wife, a kid, 6 cars and a big house.. Then he muted me.. After I kept saying in chat he should get a life and blablabla... he got mad And permd ban me. I dont know if you guys, HG higher admin's , would really like that an admin, PERMANENTLY ban someone because of Personnal issue vs a player. Plus, I would not have posted here if he would have banned me for like an hour or 2.... But why Permanant ? Shouldnt he give a Ban warning ? .. Anyways.. Its not the first time I have problems with that admin. He Brags, He is always like NEXT PERSON WHO BITCHES IS GETTING A PERM BAN. " its always when ""mister"" is not happy or if we do something he does not like. I'd like to know whats going on and of course i wanna get unbanned.




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That is Stanger Comment after banning me.


6. Comments: Every time this kid would come into the server the past 2 week or so he would disrespect any admin that was in the server especially me cause i wouldnt let him do what he wanted like cheat and so on. So everytime he would come in he would talk and type stuff (after i muted him) and today i couldnt take it anymore from him. And i have another person that i know that comes in all the time that will back me up on how he acts.





FIRST, I only played that server for not even a week.

SECOND , he says i disrespect any admins there is ?? I dont even know any other admins than him.

THIRD, he says i dont like him becaus he dont let me cheat ?? how the fuck could i cheat ? i am always a CT .. how does he expect me to cheat.

FOURTH, he said he has some one to support him?? I got like 20 friends who would be able to say that i aint a dick and i dont act like a bitch on that server because when he (stanger) is not there .... EVERYTHING is so damn nice..


And btw.. the reason why i hateyou is becasue you brag like a little kid.. Get a life bud. Bragging on the internet that you have 6 cars wont bring you anywhere.


Stanger. please stop liying in ur threads..



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And btw.. the reason why i hateyou is becasue you brag like a little kid.. Get a life bud. Bragging on the internet that you have 6 cars wont bring you anywhere.


Stanger. please stop liying in ur threads..



Thank you for making it easy for me to make this choice. You will not be unbanned since you came into the forums and came off as demanding and that this admin is out to get you. From his screen shot it shows how you were disrespectful and a permaban would not be right for a first time offense. I was going to change it to a day ban if you acted mature and sorry for the disrespect towards him. Yet from what I quoted you are not going to stop. He muted you in game and that should have been a hit to stop what you were doing. Yet you turned toward chat to insult him. As for your friends that can back you up this is what I will say: I believe the proof over the word of someone on the internet.


BTW: To start a thread off with: "what kind of admin is this" makes it more obvious that you don't care and that this might happen again.

Edited by Soccercrazy
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And in the console.. You see what i type... you dont hear what he says into the mic. Learn not to take judgments so fast.



E/ ->AND startint a post What kind of admin is that . Is to make you realized how incompetent your admin is.

Edited by Sketchypwns
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I take judgment from the proof and the way you act. You came into the forums not even asking to be unbanned. You demanded to be unbanned and still caused problems with in the forums towards this user you don't like. That is why you're staying banned. If you have a problem with an admin and they are abusing then report them. Yet he has been a good admin for years and I will believe a guy that is calm and comes into vent and tells me then someone who comes onto the forums and acts the way you do. You should have looked at the sticky and saw the example cause it showed a good way to get unbanned. Say sorry and be respectful is what it shows. You need to take responsibility for your actions cause your mouth got you banned and it is making it IMPOSSIBLE to get unbanned now.

Edited by Soccercrazy
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Sketchypwns, your tone remains disrespectful and I'm getting tired of watching this thread pop back up on the new posts list. I think we all agree with Master here. Maybe try again in a month or so when you realize that talking down to us in our home will just get you thrown out on your face?

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Sketchypwns, your tone remains disrespectful and I'm getting tired of watching this thread pop back up on the new posts list. I think we all agree with Master here. Maybe try again in a month or so when you realize that talking down to us in our home will just get you thrown out on your face?


His tone change when he ask what he needed to do to get unban. I quoted what he should do and if he does it then it will work out. Wait till he reply's to close the thread that is why i didn't close it earlier.

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What was that about his tone changing when he was asking what he needed to do to get unbanned?


Can we tell him to "grow up" and "get fucked" yet? Something seems kind of fraudulent about pretending to act cordial to us after about 10 posts of the opposite. Especially considering we're not even at that point yet.

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I am sorry for having a bad tone and being """disrespectfull""" . If I get unbanned, ill act more """mature"""


Well you will be unbanned. Yet with in this thread you have added more time to your ban. It has been change to 1 week ban. It was going to be a 1 day ban until you acted like you did on the forums. This is your warning. If you mouth off to anyone in the server, on vent or on the forums you will not play here. That means when a admin, no matter who it is, warns you to stop you will follow his/her order and stop.


If you don't like a guy then don't talk to him. If he is causing you problems come in vent and talk to a Staff member and we will come into the server and deal with it. Make sure to record demos of the incident just in case he stop when we come in.


@Wingless: The guy wants unbanned and this his first offense that has been brought to the forums. He isn't going to be ban and told "fuck off" without getting a warning first. Lets see where he is in a week if his attitude doesn't change then it is a easy ban to make.

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