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Lazarus {Team Heartbeat} STEAM_0:1:18265306 ban/take admin away request


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1. Abuser name:Lazarus {Team Heartbeat}

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:18265306


3. What server: HG JAILBREAK

4. About what time: about 2:30 pm united states eastern time

5. PROOF: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/52/admindisrepects.dem http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/pm/laz_3.dem proof of steam id ----> http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/up/laz_that_ass.jpg

6. Please tell us about the incident: he was lead his first round and he was calling the ts idiots dumb asses and telling them to stfu when they werent talking and then he was being a dick to me plus when i put in a tlist request for someone else shooting me in the head alot while on the ct team and you guys said laugh it off and have fun and that was bs and when someone did it to laz in the first demo he said hes going to slay them so that would be abuse and he calls me a bitch all the time when i do it he kicks me



Edited by Doobie
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Watched the demos. The first demo has no admin abuse at all, he tells you to stop talking over him. The second one he slays 1 person that is not you because they freekilled. Unless you have actual proof of him abusing admin this is [NOT ABUSE].

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I've never kicked ANYONE for calling me a bitch, and I can put my entire bank account on that. As TWO seconds ago will show (he was just kicked for spam), Delta has a knack for spamming both on the mic and in admin chat over trivial things that we are not even inclined or obligated to do anything about. Yes I call people dumbasses and what not in game, but people can take a joke. If I get someone to fall for first reaction jump while he is the only one there, yes I call him a dumbass and the entire server takes it in jest. Have I been mean to Delta recently and blown off his incessant cries for attention in admin chat? Yes, because honestly I am not fond of the kid. But I can honestly say other than that and perhaps targeting him during opinionated days (which while I may be putting him out there is the OTHER Ts making fun of/disrespecting him) I treat Delta the same way I treat everyone else in the server. If I have been here over a month now and have had ONE complaint against me about disrespect, I can assuredly say I see this as nothing more than someone who can't take a joke and who can't let things go.

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I'm pretty sure delta is calling disrespect on laz not abuse.


Well he calls him an idiot. This is not something you report on the forums, you work it out amongst yourselves. I can understand why he would say this 3-4 people were talking over him while he tried giving orders.



By the way stay out of threads unless you have proof to add and read the stickies. https://hellsgamers.com/threads/10175-Abuse-Forum-Rules

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im basicly calling disrespect while admin on him because when he said this ---> "I've never kicked ANYONE for calling me a bitch" its a lie he calls me a bitch and a dumbass and occasionally fks me and when he does i either call him a bitch or dumbass and the he kicks me and when my mic sometimes messes up and i dont know about it he kicks me right off the back and he does not give me a warning about it

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Don't post lies in the thread without proof, I've never kicked anyone for simply calling me a bitch. Now if you called me a bitch and continued to SPAM about it then yes I would kick you. I've seen OTHER admins kick you for disrespecting me, but unlike you, I know how to take a joke. Btw thank you for those Demos I now know how I sound in game. I was honestly rather impressed with how funny I am. Can someone lock this since it's already been ruled?

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