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STEAM_0:1:8619428 ("Ookie With a C")


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I do not know if this is permanent or not, but an admin, named rob something, kicked and banned me this morning ( 3/11/09, 11:27 am central time).


He did that because I supposedly freekilled him, but it wasn't an intentional freekill. There was a rebelling terrorist next to him and when I fired my gun, he got caught in the recoil and was killed unintentionally. He slayed me right after and then was rude to me when I explained what happened, not believing what I said, I guess. My username is OokieWithaC and I have been playing quite often on this server with no complaints about freekilling before and I hope that reputation can show that I do not do this on purpose. If this is just a five minute ban thing, then I'm sorry for waisting your time with trying to get unbanned, but if it's permanent, I would be very appreciative if it could be resolved. I don't think an admin should be rude like that to a player when it's not warranted. Thanks for your help!

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Well, it started when I was the last CT and I killed the remaining T, but he told me about how I need to give a warning first, and I was fine with that. After that, about two rounds later, there was a rebel terrorist outside of the deagle cage and I just aimed at him and shot, but Rob, who was not exactly right next to him, but close, was killed at the same time. It was my spray that most likely went over to his direction (it was an AK47 that I was using) that killed him. After he died, he slayed me and I typed, "hehe." After the round started up again, he kicked me, but I came back right away, explaining what had happened that resulted in me killing him. He was rude and swore at me and I just told him what had happened, but he said something to me about me lying or him not believing me. I was kicked and banned right after and I thought it may have been permanent because it doesn't tell you how long and I just posted here in case it was. If I was going to freekill someone on purpose, it would definitely not be the one person with the power to kick/ban me.

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