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Why hate Macs?


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I agree with Wingless in the fact that Macs and PCs are for different people with different styles.


Macs are generally for young, intelligent, curious and artistic folks who enjoy surfing the web and using programs you can't find on any PC. They are easy to use, and OS X is amazingly simplistic. Not to be an Apple fanboy here, but ever since Steam was released for the Macintosh platform, they're 100% equal by gaming standards to PCs. Now don't go griping about the horrible ergonomics on the keyboard and mouse, but hey, not all Dells and HPs come with amazing mice/keyboards either, right? Oh, and all Macs are metal :D.


Windows PCs, on the other hand, are generally for the hardcore programmer/game designer/gamer, and offer a low retail price as a plus. The OSes have been through some pretty atrocious iterations, but I hear that Windows 7 is much improved from that of Windows Vista (the OS before W7, in case you somehow didn't know). They are also widely available at most electronics stores, and have a vast variety of different builds, unlike the 6 types of Macintosh desktops and laptops.


As stated by Wingless, it depends who you are and what you need out of a computer. None of the 2 types are truly superior to another. But hey, NOTHING is, right?

Honestly, I think that the reason anyone on Steam or plays games in general on a PC bashes on Macs is that they are expensive, they USED TO not be good gaming devices and aren't really directed towards anything hardcore, though they totally can handle it.

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Maybe if it read "PC's are better gaming computers than Macs of similar price" it would be correct?

I think PC's are totally better gaming computers than Macs, but Macs are a lot easier to use for photo editing/workflow.


I can't call PCs "better" for gaming outright. There are several games/game engines that actually perform BETTER in Linux than they do on the same system with a Windows load. Windows does have the advantage of market share, which gives it the advantage of good driver support, among other things, which is integral in putting out a good product. I think that given the proper market share, we could very well see Linux win out on the gaming front. This is really more of a mental exercise than anything since the mainstream market would need to adopt a *nix derivative, but it's food for thought nonetheless.


As you worded it, though, a PC will almost always outperform a Mac of similar price. This has to do largely with how Apple builds out computers, which I'll touch on again below.


I agree with Wingless in the fact that Macs and PCs are for different people with different styles.


Macs are generally for young, intelligent, curious and artistic folks who enjoy surfing the web and using programs you can't find on any PC. They are easy to use, and OS X is amazingly simplistic. Not to be an Apple fanboy here, but ever since Steam was released for the Macintosh platform, they're 100% equal by gaming standards to PCs. Now don't go griping about the horrible ergonomics on the keyboard and mouse, but hey, not all Dells and HPs come with amazing mice/keyboards either, right? Oh, and all Macs are metal :D.


Windows PCs, on the other hand, are generally for the hardcore programmer/game designer/gamer, and offer a low retail price as a plus. The OSes have been through some pretty atrocious iterations, but I hear that Windows 7 is much improved from that of Windows Vista (the OS before W7, in case you somehow didn't know). They are also widely available at most electronics stores, and have a vast variety of different builds, unlike the 6 types of Macintosh desktops and laptops.


As stated by Wingless, it depends who you are and what you need out of a computer. None of the 2 types are truly superior to another. But hey, NOTHING is, right?

Honestly, I think that the reason anyone on Steam or plays games in general on a PC bashes on Macs is that they are expensive, they USED TO not be good gaming devices and aren't really directed towards anything hardcore, though they totally can handle it.


See, they HAVE you. You've swallowed their marketing, hook, line and sinker. If I didn't think you knew better, I would take that bit about intelligent people going for Macs personally. Not to say that I can't work my way around a Mac perfectly fine, I by far prefer Windows or Linux, and I promise I qualify as an intelligent being.


95% or more of all apps for ANY platform have an equivalent alternative for the two other platforms. Most of the time, they're just as good. I can't think of a single Windows application, bar what I use in IT infrastructure, that I can't a substitute for on a Mac or Linux platform.


As far as a Mac being just as good of a gaming platform as a Windows PC goes, this is true to some degree. OSX is certainly capable of running games, but they will always be at a disadvantage until they start including decent video processing capabilities in their outfits. Regardless of what some may say, PRICE IS IMPORTANT! When I can build a computer that smokes a competing Mac in raw clocks and video capabilities for half (or even 3/4ths)the price, it hurts the platform. Cost is one of the reasons why PS3 sales have suffered so much. It can't be overlooked when it comes to choosing viable gaming platforms.

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I would personally love to have a MACbook pro, as oppose to my laptop I have now. Simply for the fact of their laptops are amazing for the price. Including durability factor on them. On the other hand, there isn't a chance in hell I would buy one of their desktop computers to replace my Pc.

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What I really like about the Macbook Pro is the exterior more than anything. I mean its about 5 lbs for a 13 in. The keyboards light up, which is nice feature. The aluminum one piece body; the trackpad is one of my favorite features. Even the dam charger is magnetized and is smaller than any adapters I seen for a laptop. It is also very slim as well.

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What I really like about the Macbook Pro is the exterior more than anything. I mean its about 5 lbs for a 13 in. The keyboards light up, which is nice feature. The aluminum one piece body; the trackpad is one of my favorite features. Even the dam charger is magnetized and is smaller than any adapters I seen for a laptop. It is also very slim as well.


I completely agree, the magnetized charger helps a lot especially with how many people break their adapters for their charger.

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Not really, Wingless. It's been proven that the population of Mac users/buyers is about at a 5:1 ratio versing anyone under 20/above 35. I honestly was trying to be statistic, not a fanboy.


And I'm using a PC for Steam for a reason, right? :D

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Here's an amusing vid on the dichotomy between PC and Mac users. Granted, the video doesn't explain sociologically WHY each group is this way, but you can probably make your own inferences.





Not really, Wingless. It's been proven that the population of Mac users/buyers is about at a 5:1 ratio versing anyone under 20/above 35. I honestly was trying to be statistic, not a fanboy.


And I'm using a PC for Steam for a reason, right? :D


Also, cites, plx. Macs hold about 14% of the computer market, which isn't much of a departure from 5:1.

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Not really, Wingless. It's been proven that the population of Mac users/buyers is about at a 5:1 ratio versing anyone under 20/above 35. I honestly was trying to be statistic, not a fanboy.


And I'm using a PC for Steam for a reason, right? :D


If you are going to say anything is a statistic, you should provide documentation. Otherwise it's not a statistic, it's made up.


100% of all Council members in this post are eating Pringles right now.

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If you are going to say anything is a statistic, you should provide documentation. Otherwise it's not a statistic, it's made up.


100% of all Council members in this post are eating Pringles right now.


this is false, since i ate all of his pringles already.

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If you really want statistics...


See full version here




Methinks someone is lying about the 14% market share... well maybe not since this is based on browser information (UAS)...


I personally have nothing against Macs. I am however fed up with the over-zealous fanatics you see at every inch^2 of this planet. (don't take it literally -.-)


I still prefer Linux over Macs to be honest though... :D


More sources for you nitpickers:



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