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Lazarus disrespect/admin abuse.


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Name: Lazarus

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18265306

Server: Jailbreak

Time: 12:00

Attached is pics from console.


Lazarus is constantly showing nothing but disrespect to players. He insults people and tells them to shut up and if they say anything he will say umad? At one occasion he rallied the ts to say Umad over and over to me and the spamming was terrible. He has done this on more than one occasion. This is a terrible example for an admin to make. He also kicked a player which is included in the pic after he stopped spamming and laz told him not to. Even though he stopped Lazarus kicked him regardless. As you can see in the pics people weren't happy. Ive seen nothing but this from laz over and over and have complained. I finally decieded to make a report this has to stop.




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I apologize for the noobieness of the image upload never made a report before.



Edited by Doobie
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Tminus just like Paintball is leaving out a significant amount of details. For one, I rallied the ts to do stupid things whenever orders were either not being given or were in the process of being completed. On the way to cell stairs I would say things like "All Ts give a warcry on 3" or "All Ts say 'Umad?' on 3." The ONLY PERSON in the server to find MY doings the least bit disruptive were Tminus when they were done at times where he was not even giving orders.


As for Deadly, I warned him both in chat AND on the mic many times to quit the incessant spam at unnecessary times. He would go and play the loudest thing he could find on his hldj while the lead was trying to give orders and would rejoin to unmute himself to play things at the end or near the end of the round. He knows the rules of the server, and I took the time to remind him of them many times. The fact that he couldn't be quiet got him kicked. I KICKED HIM and he came back and stopped spamming (to a certain degree). I don't see the problem here? Now if you take the story as Tminus said, then there's a problem, luckily that is not the entire story. Yes I kicked him after he stopped, but by then I had given him umpteen warnings and counting. He needed a kick in the rear to get the point across, and clearly it worked.




I'd also like to note that the "umad"ing only occurred after Tminus tried to tell me how my job was supposed to be done after kicking Deadly. He took over 30 seconds on the mic telling me how bad of an admin I was and after telling him it was not his place (per the MOTD) he didn't get the point. It was a response to a server player failing to understand that it is not his place to tell me whether or not I am doing my job right.

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You need to stop with the bullshit, spamming umad/umad bro ect. is not cool. We have got so many complaints about you it's not even funny. Temp banned and when you get back into the server stop being a douche to everyone.

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Laz...whenever I'm in the server you're always actin' a dick. You and your buddy Century both team up on shit and players.


I'm glad you think so. I'm also glad that you've been in the server ever long enough to formulate a reason as to why anyone might act this way.

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