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[RESOLVED - Not Abuse] STEAM_0:0:5490784 (PureSlay)


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Admin: Pureslay / Error

ID: STEAM_0:0:5490784

Server: D2 24/7

Time: 8:50

Proof: Thumbnailed


This is the reason regular admins got beacon/slay taken away before. ABUSE! Q_Q for me but still. Grow up.


Edit: I'm just asking for some sort of warning. I told him to stop the beacon and he replied, "record my nuts". Funny but once again, grow up. Pay to benefit the server not to mess with people.


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He beaconed me right after I killed him. I was not camping I rushed Upper B and killed him lower(from behind) then one of his teammates in mid.


I heard one complaint yesterday when I got back from filing this report, he said it was in the chat log.


The complaint was Pureslay was camping T spawn and when they told him to get out to follow the server rules(1 minute) he told them to shut up or he'll ban them. I didn't look at the chat log because the person(he was a man of homosexual behavior, Goodkat) said it didn't bother him really.



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He beaconed me right after I killed him. I was not camping I rushed Upper B and killed him lower(from behind) then one of his teammates in mid.


I heard one complaint yesterday when I got back from filing this report, he said it was in the chat log.


The complaint was Pureslay was camping T spawn and when they told him to get out to follow the server rules(1 minute) he told them to shut up or he'll ban them. I didn't look at the chat log because the person(he was a man of homosexual behavior, Goodkat) said it didn't bother him really.




Well you might have taken the beacon wrongly, be might have just been messing with you. If someone does that, and you don't appreciate it, then use admin chat to tell them not to do that anymore.


You made it sound like he just kept beaconing you. As for the 1:00 thing, chat logs wont show anything. A demo would be really the only way to show anything, as sometimes people cross back through spawn, or are afk for a minute.


I think we should have a separate board for "Admin Complaints", so that we don't bash admins in the abuse forums. (not saying that is what is going on)


But this could be just a misunderstanding, blown out of proportion.

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Yeah it just pissed me off that he did it for no reason. Maybe a LAWL!!! would have cleared it up on his part.


Rage for me killing him? That should make anyone wish they could jump off the Titanic. .38 K/D w00t!


Yeah I do agree, I don't like when people do it either.

I hope someone does talk to him though, I am hearing a few people say things.

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Sorry I hurt your feelings SWAT. I beaconed you once for one round messing with you. As for the rest of the complaints, I enforce rules against racism in the server. I get complaints non-stop about doing so , but I don't believe the servers should be allowing it, especially if I as admin is present. I guarantee you the complaints have arisen from such events from regular players in D2 24/7. They grudge against me for doing so and all of the sudden I'm lame for enforcing rules, and people become critical of me slaying spawn campers, and moving teams to equal out the stackage. I'm sorry give me demos of abuse not just complaints. Sorry SWAT, ghey,

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