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W40k Phase 3 Help

Mike is Fr3sh

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Okay, so I am a Warhammer 40k enthusiast. My buddies and I on weekends go down to the local comic book store (Dragons Lair) and paint the models and have a good time. We recently picked up the rule book and all the codexs (I love torrents) and are confuzzled on one aspect of the game. We understand the movement stage and the attack stage pretty well, what we have trouble with is the assault stage. I know you move the unit if they are within 6inches or something like that, and do some back and forth shit with rolling the die. Can someone help us out? Goddamn British can't make rule books worth shit (no offense Jason).


I'll totally post some pictures of my models online. I need to touch up on some of them since I sucked at painting a year ago. I play as the space marines and have some troops, Ironclad Dreadnought, commander, and two damned legionaires (my best one yet, other one not painted yet). I'm also working on painting my veteran jump troops, so if anyone has any tips for painting a white head without making it look like shit let me know.


Goddamn, I hate typing on the iPhone.

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