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i5 vs. i7


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Right now I have the i5-760 Quad Core Processor and I have 30 days to return or upgrade it. If I upgraded it to the i7-960 Quad Core, will I be getting a noticeable difference between the two? The price difference is around $150 so I'm trying to figure out if it is worth the swap.


P.S. Finally decided to buy a new computer, so I should be on in the next day or so.

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There are too many different answers on this thread haha. Terry says no while fracture and Ahmed say yes. Fracture, do you have an i7?


BTW I have a Cooler Master V8 so OC wont be an issue

Getting one soon, and I plan to OC it. =)

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Yeah, I'll more than likely be switching mine out today. Read all the reviews on newegg and feel I can't go wrong.


I'd wait until you see what Terry has to say about getting a 930 and OCing it, unless you are very anxious to upgrade.

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Not that anxious but I need to go to Microcenter (like Newegg in a store with even lower prices) today anyway to get some more RAM so I'd thought I'd switch it out while I'm there.




Terry the price difference between the i5 I have and the now i7-930 I might get, is only $80

Edited by Roley
Just adding some info
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For gaming, not worth the 150$, no.




You know it's different sockets right? you mean i7 860 maybe?


Anyway here my specs and yes. For gaming at any res literally all you need is a decent C2D that does 3.6ghz. Though a i5 750 is fine at stock.


heatware = piscian18

I3 530 3.75Ghz Corsair H50 W7 U 64bit

MSI P55-GD80

2x4GB OCZ Platinum 1333Mhz (1060Mhz)

XFX 5870 1GB+BFG GTS250 1GB 3x1 HP LP2465 24" SPVA panel (Eyefinity+physx)

2x750GB Raid-0 2x1TB

Cooler Master Storm Sniper

OCZ 1010w GameXtream

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Not that anxious but I need to go to Microcenter (like Newegg in a store with even lower prices) today anyway to get some more RAM so I'd thought I'd switch it out while I'm there.




Terry the price difference between the i5 I have and the now i7-930 I might get, is only $80


Piscian pointed out that they are different sockets (I forgot about that fact), the only i7 socket that are 1156 are i7 860/870/875k. They are all 300-350$. There is no benefit going to the i7 just to gain hyperthreading and triple channel memory as there is ZERO gains in games 99% of the time right now.


I have i7 920 @ 4.0ghz and I keep hyperthreading off, it's useless for me unless I'm running multiple virtual machines, even then quad core does that fine.



If I were you I'd just overclock the 760 to around 3.6ghz or higher, whatever you can get stable and be happy. A 3.6ghz quad on any platform will make your graphic/fps limit the video card for most games.

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Piscian pointed out that they are different sockets (I forgot about that fact), the only i7 socket that are 1156 are i7 860/870/875k. They are all 300-350$. There is no benefit going to the i7 just to gain hyperthreading and triple channel memory as there is ZERO gains in games 99% of the time right now.


I have i7 920 @ 4.0ghz and I keep hyperthreading off, it's useless for me unless I'm running multiple virtual machines, even then quad core does that fine.



If I were you I'd just overclock the 760 to around 3.6ghz or higher, whatever you can get stable and be happy. A 3.6ghz quad on any platform will make your graphic/fps limit the video card for most games.


Damn that's helpful. Thank you.


Right now my specs are 12gigs RAM

a GTX 470 Superclocked 1gig

and a v8 cpu cooler


Would the i5 max out my gpu's performance?

I ask because the 470 is a damn powerful card and i figured an i5 wouldn't be able to max out my cards performance.


EDIT: I'm also wanting to play crysis with good fps flow on high settings.



All in all,

Thanks for the help.

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