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bullshit fking admin bans me for votefk him


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1. Your in-game name: [WOODSBALLERSELITE | Paintball

2. Server that you were banned on: hg jailbreak

3. The Banning admin:---> ☆ Rawzz! ☆

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:5288007

5. Reason for ban:abuseing votefk


i was telling him in admin chat that he fked me and he said he didnt which he did then he said" stop abuseing admin chat or ill kick you" then i stopped and i did votefk rawz and then he kicked me then when i rejoined i said how was that spam? and then once again he said stop abuseing admin chat once again i did then i tried votefk one last time and he banned me from all of the hg servers and hes the one who should get banned because of admin abuse and fking while admin and heres the little bit of screenshot i could get after he kicked me http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/nw/admin_fuckingabuse.jpg




and i would also like to add that everyone hates me on the server because i actually enforce the rules that lead cts give and they say i fk so thats how i got hated alot and i think its just an admin being mean and abusive of his powers thats my opinion though

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First, let me remind you that I had been warning you ALL night about spamming admin chat. Almost every round, I'd be greeted to you complaining about a different CT fk'ing you. Now, either the whole CT team takes turns fk'ing you, or you're the one doing it wrong. However, because I didn't actually see it happen, I wasn't going to punish you for spamming us, just in case you actually were fk'd. Flash forward to the round were I kill you. Orders were, one step out, face back wall, freeze. You were standing in VIP, and looked afk. So I gave you a warning shot. 5 seconds later, you hadn't even moved your mouse, so I killed you. Almost as soon as you die, my screen is flooded with chat from you saying how I'm a fkiller. Now, obviously I thought you were afk, so I actually took the time to explain to you why you died. Your response? "I was stuck." Knifing a chair or hitting use on a body does NOT take more than 5 seconds. It was clear that you were not fk'd, in any sense of the word. Now that I knew you weren't fk'd, I warned you one last time not to abuse the admin chat. You continued to yell at me through it, and when I stopped responding, you votefk'd me. At this point, I kicked you to show you I wasn't kidding. Upon your return, you once again spammed admin chat, and this time got yelled at by another admin (possibly two others, I wasn't dead). I was okay with this, until you decided to abuse the votefk again. This was the last straw, I had warned, kicked, and rewarned. The punishment for abusing votefk is permaban (or at least, the server tells you to) but since you were CLEARLY delusional, and honestly thought I fk'd you, I only did a 500 minute ban. Regardless of all that happened before the ban, votefk'ing almost before your first vote is even over, is abusing.


I don't care that you come to forums and post a paragraph of QQ, you deserved what you got. All night you found ways to spam the admins and players, so don't be upset that the admins found a way to make you stop.



Reason for kick: Admin chat spam.

Reason for ban: Votefk abuse.


Screenshots courtesy of Tuck:



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yeah alot of different cts have been fking me and you didnt even take the time to spectate them and the you fked me and what the hell do i have to do to get your attention? and about the warning shot you gave me it seemed to have killed me pretty fast because i dont remember a warning shot plus i was stuck on the dead girl and i even said dont shoot im stuck! and stop all of your lies rawzz plus when i rejoined after the kick i said how is that spam and you said stop spamming and thats not spamming plus i had a right to votefk you and do you guys see any spam in either picture of his? no, i didnt think so...

Edited by paintball
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Not spam me. Not abuse votefk. Act like you know better than the ct that killed you, and I'll believe you know better. But when you don't even listen to them explain why they killed you, you have no ground to even speak. Even now, you STILL post that I fk'd you, yet give no rhyme or reason as to how it was a fk. Spamming and raging are never the solution to any problem.

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you are lieing about how you gave me 5 seconds to react because i was moveing around trying to get the dead girl off of me and you fked me so dont try to lie your way out of it plus i was gonna apply for hg and i think you knew about this so you wanted to ruin my damn chances which is bs

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I'm not here to argue and create a 6 page thread. The facts have been layed out, and the higher-ups can make their decision. Even if you did manage to convince anyone I did fk you, you abused the system, and that is why you got kicked/banned. My only suggestion is that next time, you carry yourself with a little more tact and sophistication, and realize that we want to help you, but you need to help us.

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I was there and saw it all go down in admin chat.


Paintball I have been a admin for about a week, since I just got it I've been on a lot everyday all I see in admin chat is you spamming he fk and this guy did this and that guy did that. In a 3 hour period you spam admin chat 20-30 Rawzz whole time lets it go. Today he asked you atleast twice, then he warned you twice, kicked you, and then you go and start to spam votefk. Im not sure you understand that we buy admin, we don't work for you. My understanding is all we have to do is follow the rules and not abuse admin. Just because Paintball thinks he is fk then we have to stop everything and go spectate. What are you really complaining about really a 500 min ban is nothing. Rawzz just had enough with you, I see it is hard to do because he is one of the most lax admins on Jailbreak.

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you are lieing about how you gave me 5 seconds to react because i was moveing around trying to get the dead girl off of me and you fked me so dont try to lie your way out of it plus i was gonna apply for hg and i think you knew about this so you wanted to ruin my damn chances which is bs


It wont. It was your first ban and as long as you learn and it doesn't happen again then you will be fine. Spamming the admins to "do their job" is not the way to go about things. Since the admin needs to see the incident in order to do anything about it. The ban time is a little harsh so I adjusted it. But you can wait it and lets not have this happen again.

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"and realize that we want to help you" you know thats bullshit because all of the damn admins with the exception of about 3-5 hate me and fucking disrespect me when im there and ill get a demo of it someday and report them for it

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I'm disappointed as you clearly haven't learned anything from this. Using the "spamrage" method on the forums won't work either. I really do want to help anyone who gets freekilled, but they have to be on my side. Yelling at me is not the way. Regardless, on your return to the server, I will be more than happy to help you if you can approach me respectfully. But I must warn you, if you act the same way, the same thing will happen.

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Rawazz i do want to say u say u banned him for 500 mins , any bans over 2 hrs should have proof and a report. which i did not see and your ss only really shows him votefk any player has the right to use it if they think u are freekilling. the ss i saw showed no spam to admins just 1 which u kicked 4. me myself takes paintballs side but you seem to have staffs on urs.

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"and realize that we want to help you" you know thats bullshit because all of the damn admins with the exception of about 3-5 hate me and fucking disrespect me when im there and ill get a demo of it someday and report them for it


then do it, and try formulating complete sentences so it doesn't seem like your raging.


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