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Uber Fail


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I was randomly thinking about this today and just HAD to share it with everyone...


A long time ago my mom's bestie's son had handmade me a bike (which he's really good at). Personally...I never wanted to ride it (probably because it was bright pink and yellow). But anyways...I've had that thing for YEARS and it became a dust-collector in our backyard. In 8th grade, when I remembered I still had it, I decided to get rid of it the best way you can without actually taking it to a dump: Leave it unchained infront of a school. Everyone knows there are bike stealers and who can't say no to an unchained bike? I figured it wouldn't be gone by the first day so i attempted to have some patience to see it finally gone after I had walked it to school and left it in the parking lot.

To my luck my 3rd and 6th classes (which are in the same room) had a window view of the parking lot where I could check on the bike to see if someone had taken it away or not.

Much to my dissapointment no one stole the damned thing. After a month and a half had gone by and the bike was still there in the same exact spot I had left it...I got to watch a car accidentally run it over.

In it's ruined and shattered peices someone finally claimed it and took it home...


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