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The Thief Series (by Eidos)


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Thief: The Dark Project


Thief 2: The Metal Age


Thief: Deadly Shadows

Has anyone played these series or own the game!?

Personally, it is fun and suspenseful ... but you need patience and a lot of time to play.

Here's a quick rundown of the game play...

The main tactic of Thief is to avoid fights and instead sneak around the enemies. Thief is sometimes described as either a "first person sneaker", "sneak-em-up" or a "first-person looter" to emphasize this difference. Classification of the game has been slow coming, as three-dimensional stealth games, such as Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (released in 2002), only became more common years after the first Thief.
Another innovation introduced by Thief is the careful use of sound effects as an integral part of gameplay. Sound cues not only tell the player of other characters in the vicinity, but also indicate how much noise Garrett makes when moving about an area. Too much noise can alert nearby guards, who will grow suspicious and come looking for intruders. There are a variety of tactics to avoid being heard, however, such as walking gently, steering clear of noisy pavement, or using moss arrows to create a carpet that muffles the sound of footsteps.
In a similar vein, lighting became one of the most important strategies. A gauge at the bottom of the screen (called the 'Light Gem') indicates how visible the protagonist is. Entering deeper shadows or ducking makes the character less likely to be noticed. Walking about increases the risk of being spotted, and having a sword or bow drawn makes him very conspicuous in the game. The astute player is constantly keeping an eye on areas of light or shadow in case a hiding place is needed in a hurry, guard patrol routes, and the type of terrain they're walking on. A light source, such as a torch, can be doused with a Water Arrow, creating an area of darkness in which the player may hide. Electrically powered lights, in all games, may simply be shut off by using a nearby switch or button; however, if no light switch is available, the electrical light will not turn off by simply shooting a Water Arrow at it. In Thief: Deadly Shadows, the player can simply 'pinch out' a lit candle by pressing the use button on it. A guard or any civilian may notice if a light source has been put out, likewise if something valuable has been stolen.
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Yeah dude, it's an awesome series but it gets hella scary in the Shalebridge Cradle... ROFL


I personally played all three and I gotta say the Third one impressed me the most because of Shalebridge. freakishly weird especially if you're playing it at 3:00 AM...

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