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Team Scramble and Admin immunities have been added to Hoodoo & Pipeline


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  • Both admins and engies with buildings are immune from auto-balance
  • You can say 'votescramble' to trigger a scramble vote


Admin menu integration:




sm_cancel         admin        Cancels any active scramble.  Blocks auto-scramble check if run during bonusround
sm_forcebalance   admin        Forces a team balance if an imbalance exists.
sm_preference     console      Allows clients to choose what team they prefer
sm_resetvotes     admin        Resets all public votes.
sm_scramble       admin        sm_scramble <delay> <respawn> <mode>
sm_scrambleround  admin        Scrambles at the beginning of the next round
sm_scramblevote   admin        Start a vote. sm_scramblevote <now/end>
sm_addbuddy        console     add a buddy


NOTE* Abusing this Scramble mod will get your admin removed.:cheesy:

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