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Update for CSS=Lower fps?


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Before the new CSS update i was getting about 40 to 50 fps. Ever since the new update im lucky if i get 20. its right about 14 constant. I didnt do anything to my pc or get anything for it NOTHING. i do have a file that is suppose to help with fps. its still in there and it was in there before the update. im lookin to get a new graphics card or whatever will help with this fps problem. problem is i dont wanna get one that will make it worse. Here is my system specs Dell Dimension E510 Inetel ® Pentium® D CPU 2.66 Ghz 1.00 GB of ram

Ati Radeon X300/X550X1050 Series. Any suggestions will be awesome thank you.

I would like to start playing CSS again but dont wanna lag. kind of made me stop playing.

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damn bro your computer is really old .


I'm recommending that u buy a whole new computer , they are really cheap these days .

if want to buy a new one just post your budget and I'll put something together for you

Edited by Dr1zzen
needed to say more
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yea terry taco made me post this here cuz i guess people r having the same problem.. so im preety much just waiting on someone to reply that knows how to fix it.. but yea im REALLY TIGHT on money right now.. but do plan on upgrading the whole machine here soon.... i would say like a grand is my budget...but i cant get anything anytime soon.. eventually though.. wanna be able to run mw2 also. thanx for the reply.. but i really dont do too much stuff. this one still gets me by preety good sept with this situation i am in now with CSS.. never had this problem until the upgrade for CSS... GRRRRRRR

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