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USP cell


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I hate how every round the lead makes the USP cell prisoner throw the USP on top of cells. It just wastes 10 sec every round. Why give a USP if it just gets taken away without using it.


I think we should either get rid of USP cell, make it not allowed to be tossed on cells, or spawn randomly like the bomb.

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A Desert Eagle would be much more entertaining, but I think frag grenades should rule that special "gun cell". I mean, all of the sudden, think of it:

Cell doors open. "All Ts, go to bottom of cell stairs, no detours/no delays, do so by 5:30." I take out my frag, and toss it at 3 CTs huddled in a corner. BOOM, they die. With all the distraction, a few Ts run off to Armory to get a gun, and the rebelling begins!

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A Desert Eagle would be much more entertaining, but I think frag grenades should rule that special "gun cell". I mean, all of the sudden, think of it:

Cell doors open. "All Ts, go to bottom of cell stairs, no detours/no delays, do so by 5:30." I take out my frag, and toss it at 3 CTs huddled in a corner. BOOM, they die. With all the distraction, a few Ts run off to Armory to get a gun, and the rebelling begins!


Or you can throw a smoke and imagine that happening!

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A Desert Eagle would be much more entertaining, but I think frag grenades should rule that special "gun cell". I mean, all of the sudden, think of it:

You can get a frag grenade in prison dice now, which is even better than giving it to one cell. Who knows who has it...except for t's of course. Though, I suppose one isn't rolled every round.

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Not PD item. I always get Electric Chair or Death whenever I roll it.


You mean when you CAN roll. With all the PD spam the server doesn't give it to the first five it gives it to like every 6 people until there have been 5 successful rolls. It always tells me to try again next round even though I did it between the first and fifth. I just gave up xD

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