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Call of Duty : Black Ops


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Treyarch has a semi better trackrecord than IW. With Call of Duty: World at War, Treyarch released a couple of free map packs, where as IW with Cod:MW2 released extra maps in the form of overpriced dlc. The dedicated server part is tempting, but then I need to look at all my options before throwing away $60. Medal of Honor is not too far away and Battlefield Bad Company 2 also looks nice.

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I'm skeptical, looks like another Call of Duty cash cow to me. Multiplayer looks pretty fun, but the "Cold War" idea seems stale and unexciting to me. Maybe we could somehow get a Civil War Call of Duty, but the guns from that era are a serious problem.


They should take one battle and draw it out through the whole campaign, showing different soldiers' points of views and stuff.

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Hopefully Black Ops will be open to modding, but I'm not holding my breath.


You do know anything on the XBox is able to be modded with a JTag right? You can edit any file in the original game folder to mod experience, etc.

Every and any XBox game ever to be made in the future will be moddable.

But that's beside the point, Medal of Honor and CoD Black Ops is a matter of personal preference really, I for one believe CoD will be better.

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Treyarch has a semi better trackrecord than IW. With Call of Duty: World at War, Treyarch released a couple of free map packs, where as IW with Cod:MW2 released extra maps in the form of overpriced dlc. The dedicated server part is tempting, but then I need to look at all my options before throwing away $60. Medal of Honor is not too far away and Battlefield Bad Company 2 also looks nice.


Free new content for a bad game still isn't very appealing.

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