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PureSlay! WTF!! LOL!!!


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"OrangeCrush, sorry I dont like the "N" word all over the server repeatedly."

Name one time I have said the N word you asshole LOL. Find it on the admin logs, if you do find proof, I approve all HT Admins to BAN my Clarking/noob ass all to hell. For real dude, I think you're referring to that one time when that kid was saying the N WORD, but he really wasn't saying the N word, but saying something very close.. you did your job there, even though I have seen admins on DUST2 accept WAY WORSE. That guy was way out of line. Don't Clark with me though PureSlay AKA ERROR, I'll own you with my Clarking p90.. And don't even try to get VAN, or SWAT on your side.. because they will DO NOTHING but ruin your cause. Van already gave me my toejack, and SWAT.. LOL well he's just a ****sucker. Plus, 80% of my friends are BLACK, whenever we get drunk toghether, I always call them racist names, it's FUNNY. :rock: Just quit being a ****sucking admin Pureslay! Does your life suck that bad?! LOL!! I mean, look at VAN, he's a fa**** and he's still cool. WTF man?? ROFL!!

Edited by [HG] orangeCRUSH
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wow two flame threads in a row. my mistake crush you probably didn't say it, but you defended those who did once they got banned, or something along those lines thus you weren't banned by me. being an admin I get to use my discretion as to degree of tolerance i'll except in the server, so don't dictate my opinion. anyway two threads of you flaming me , cool you sound like every other white dood," i have black friends." ROFL I could care less. what's with all this posting abuse against me when no one says anything while we're playing except jjk which was an accident. you guys need to stop complaining and start working on your weak css skills, son. oh snap...you got served.


PS van is hot

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