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Teh Peanut.


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Player Teh Peanut.


Banlength 1 hr

Reason need to chill with ur admin

Banned by Admin HG | Jason

Total Bans 4 (search) 2 for abuse???


hes just so jumpy on his admin rites he kicked a player 4 trying to give orders in 1 and more.



tic 5000 the kid was giving orders b4 any1 else then u kick for talking over






10500 use admin chat after he is dead to tell ppl who to kill

13500 same ^^

16000 prius in admin chat







right at the start he does not do wat ct said and gets killed he yells at the ct and then prius jumps in again

4000 prius telling him there are reports on him to chill

5500 just need to watch till tic 5500 - 15000 prius and him talking








12700 ct was healing andwhile in there became last ct so he went to the door and camped he slays

24000 they are told to run around the thing he runs off and back over and over they he was shot then slaps the ct for it ends at 27000 tels kid damagr 4 damage????


then banned for 60min

Edited by Jason
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What. The. Hell.

I CBA to watch all these demos, but I'm pretty sure the guy I kicked for giving orders was giving false orders over lead. You seriously need to stop all this useless banning. Just for doing what admins should do? Really? I am JUMPY because I can't stand idiots and freekillers. This is not a reason for banning me for 1 day.

Reason: need to chill with ur admin IS NOT A VALID REASON.

GTFO please.

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ok the kids ban was up but he came in server again admin happy bout to post demos so i banned for a day till a staff takes care of this


ps prius already talked to him bout it b4 1st ban



after 1st ban




rite at the start he trys to slay some 1 with comment in admin chat

(ADMINS) Teh Peanut.: Wtf idiot


14000 trys to run and blade kills him he freeslays blade watch till 16300

23000 (ADMINS) Teh Peanut.: In the heat of the moment I slayed him :S

(ADMINS) Teh Peanut.: I'm always a ninja at slaying fkers
















16500 he rushes a ct and he slays saying he baited

Edited by Jason
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What the hell are you on about?

Prius talked to me about overusing msay and ALL chat. NOTHING about SLAYING and KICKING people when they deserve it. KICKING PEOPLE is after I give WARNINGS.

You have no right to ban someone over an abuse report, especially since it's an uneeded one. You leave that to the staff.

I refuse to be like some admins who answer "QQ more" when someone is freekilling or not obeying other server rules.


EDIT: Yeah, now block me because you know your report is retarded.

This is unbelievable. HG veteran or not, needs to be removed/suspended or talked to.

Edited by Peanut
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na u have been free slaying and kicking just b/c u are killed and lets see wat prius talked to u about when he gets on.


lets see slayed a admin for killing u when u where going to 1st cell ( on demo)

slay a ct when u rushed ( on demo)

kicking a player AFTER muting him for 3 rounds when he was trying to give orders.. the kid had no idea his mic was bad and it want that bad ( on demo)

hmm slaps for ppl shoting at u when ur doing stupied shit

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What the hell are you on about?

Prius talked to me about overusing msay and ALL chat. NOTHING about SLAYING and KICKING people when they deserve it. KICKING PEOPLE is after I give WARNINGS.

You have no right to ban someone over an abuse report, especially since it's an uneeded one. You leave that to the staff.

I refuse to be like some admins who answer "QQ more" when someone is freekilling or not obeying other server rules.


EDIT: Yeah, now block me because you know your report is retarded.

This is unbelievable. HG veteran or not, needs to be removed/suspended or talked to.


Fora start he shouldn't even need to warn you, its goddamn common sense.

Second those people didn't deserve it.

Third, he has every right to ban over an abuse report...who are you to question it?

Fourth, you're the one that needs to be suspended. I'd suggest learning the rules and coming back with some respect.

Fifth, you're lucky you still have your admin and haven't been perm banned honestly.

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Fora start he shouldn't even need to warn you, its goddamn common sense.

Second those people didn't deserve it.

Third, he has every right to ban over an abuse report...who are you to question it?

Fourth, you're the one that needs to be suspended. I'd suggest learning the rules and coming back with some respect.

Fifth, you're lucky you still have your admin and haven't been perm banned honestly.


Over an abuse report that a staff member hasn't even looked at?

You can seriously talk Blade.

You use banned commands (timebomb, drug, etc..) the whole time.

I admit i need to brush up on them and I have after the 2 abuse reports (about unecessary msay and all chat, etc.)

i have NOT been freeslaying or kicking. I slay and kick where it is deserved. If the kid with the bad mic is ronson11 or whatever his name was, he was SPAMMING OVER LEAD


When I slap people, it's DMG 4 DMG like i've said countless times. If I get freeshot down to 24hp, I slap the player who did it for 76hp! SIMPLE.

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Few things:

Im trusted admin

I only do it to myself

I have permission


And yes seriously, your admin needs to be revoked until you've learnt. You've been warned many times and don't seem to learn at all.

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When I slap people, it's DMG 4 DMG like i've said countless times. If I get freeshot down to 24hp, I slap the player who did it for 76hp! SIMPLE.


The only thing is you didn't get freeshot by that rash guy, you were doing things you shouldn't have been doing the whole time, you should've died at the bottom of cell stairs when he shot you

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wait are you fucking jokeing


have you seen the fucking demos. kid you need to GTFO IM GETTING TIRED OF YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT


sry staff for rage but im tired of him

Kid? At least I don't type like one?

L2read. I said that I don't feel like watching 4 demos because I have other stuff to do?

Blade. You use Timebomb instead of slaying A LOT.

I. Have. Learned. I never use MSAY or ALL chat at all anymore :S

Edit: it was a freeshot from that rash guy. Warden didn't say freeze, unless it was my lag again. Playing with 200ping isn't easy.

Screw it, I'm gonna watch those demos.

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When I slap people, it's DMG 4 DMG like i've said countless times. If I get freeshot down to 24hp, I slap the player who did it for 76hp! SIMPLE.

That would make sense, I suppose, but you weren't freeshot once, you should've died at the bottom of cell stairs, somehow you managed to disobey lead/detour about 10 times without dying until you were killed.


When you slayed Blade, it clearly shows you on demo running towards first cell, you should've known better because, well, you knew what you were trying to do and he's a higher admin.


Finally, even though you slayed blade for no reason, what baffled me the most is how you blatantly charged at the CT in the last demo, who was by the water machine, when you were directed to go into bottom VIP, slayed him, and were arrogant enough to tell him that he baited? That's bullshit and you know it so you should just stop trying to cover your foot prints and appoligize, that's all I have to say

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