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Passing blocked sites


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So i started at college yesterday and just got my computer set up on their internet.


But when i want access sites such as: Steam, Hellsgamers and etc, I tells me that it is blocked.



I have heard that you can do something with the proxy?

I use firefox and i have heard that there should be an add-on or something.


Does anyone have any solutions?


Thanks, Tommo.

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No, in order to be able to use your IP (your home ISP's IP address) you'd need to set up a PRoxy server on the router (or a DMZ/open host). =(

That would be tough and annoying to do lol


umm you don't really need to setup anything as far as I know... http://getfoxyproxy.org/quickstart.html <--- read that


Foxyproxy does require you to know your proxy addresses. so i'll look some up for you to save time...





Alot of them CAN be slow so just FYI


Edit: Just an FYI, found this if you want to set it up at home


How to Setup up a Proxy SErver =/

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Soooo.. I get back to college and try to use foxyproxy, it didnt work.

So then i decided to use jbeck.tk to get onto HG, then jbeck got blocked.

I tried downloading hotspot shield, it didnt work.

I tried something called yourfreedom, no success.


It is a company, called "cFauth"

They require us to log on to our internet, through the browser with a user and pass, such as "109439" and "tuP9aW"


They have blocked most games forums at our school, steam chat, steam shop and online games.

Does any have a more advanced solution? Or am i totally fuck'd?

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There is another way... with the possibility that, they don't block VPNs.


You can create a PPTP/L2TP server at home (using this server for instance, http://openvpn.net/) and tunnel home to connect to Hellsgamers. Mind you, you need a Static IP (or a dynamic DNS server: like www.dyndns.com/).

This guide seems alright... http://pigtail.net/nicholas/pptp/ (it's long too)

another guide: http://www.openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html


Another possibility is that if you have Linksys branded router... you can flash your router's firmware to DD-WRT. Most of the new firmwares will support OpenVPN right on the router so you don't have to set up anything.

Here's the guide to do it

Installing: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Installation

OpenVPN for DD-WRT: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/VPN_%28the_easy_way%29_v24%2B


Finally, if you have Linux-distro (highly recommended for this one), you can create a "Ping-tunnel". As the name implies, you can use "ping" packets to communicate to Hellsgamers.



A lot of these get very technical and can frustrate even good IT tech ppl (should troubleshooting be required =/ )


Obviously, you can always petition your school's IT department to lower their block against HG if you wanted to. lol most of the time, they don't but never hurts to try.


@ They may be using a transparent proxy for controlling your surfing usage so careful...

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good luck tommo, my college blocks a lot of sites but luckily HG and Steam stuff ain't on their lists.


Thanks Banana =)

At my college, they have blocked any gaming related websites, proxy related, download related, facebook games(LOL<3) and etc..

My college has got a lot of "nerds" who have been abusing their wireless internet, so now the freshmen have to pay..

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